The Training Begins

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Oh meh gaawd.I. just noticed how short my chapters are.Oh god but I'm so lazy! #conflicted author

"Igneel you baka,"I said in a bored tone.Igneel frowned and had a depressing mood around himself.I sighed and walked up to him.

"I'll start training with Sotem,if you don't mind,"I said,holding a tied up Igneel.

"Very well,we'll start with seeing how well you fight,"Sotem said,nodding."Remember,you need to study your oponent first."


"They're ignoring me,"Igneel said sulking in the corner

"When did Igneel get untied?"Grandeeny asked.

"I don't know Grandeeny,I don't know,"Inrem said.


"I understand that,"I said while dodging the attacks he was giving me.

'An opening'I thought.I attacked him in the stomache and kicked him in the side,making him fly and hit a wall.

"You are good at this Princess-sama,"Sotem said and got up.

"I see,I shoudn't underestimate my oponents either,right"I said,turning around to face him.

I tried to punch him in the face,but he blocked it and side kicked me.He then kicked me in the stomache and I went flying into the sky.

"Not yet,"I said and drop kicked him.I then punched him in the guts and tried to round house kick him,but he caught my leg and flipped me.

"I guess that's it for training today,"Sotem said and helped me up.

"I agree,"I said."Where is my room Marina?"

"Let me show you,"Marina said,walking into the castle.

Marina showed me my room and I had a light smile on my face,although it disappeared quickly.


"How mean,they forgot about me."a purple exceed said,walking into Lucy's room.The exceed layed on the bed and soon fell asleep.

Gomen ne,it was probably really bad and i'm not good at fight scenes either.I hope you forgive me when i make a time skip 5th chapter.Sorry again if this is bad.I do not own Fairy Tail,Hiro Mashima does.Well ja ne minna.I love you guys please vote!

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