I Remember You

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    I woke up in a small room...actually,I looked more closely, and it was an infirmery.

    "Where am I?"I questioned with little emotion.I was at the guild.I knew this place and also hated it.

    "Yin!"Levy exclaimed happily."You're okay...you're,okay."

    Levy started crying again.I turned to my left and was met by a hug.It shocked me and I had a head ache.

    "Yin,please don't do that again!" Natsu cried,still hugging me."You almost died!"

    "What happened?"I asked."Tell me what happened and where Zeref is."

    "Well,a building was falling and you got trapped when it broke apart and scattered all around you,"Erza said with sad eyes."Zeref was trying to reach out for you for some reason and you blacked out because of the smoke."

    "Your arm was bleeding badly when one of the huge block of bricks from the building scraped it,"Gray said,clenching his fists tightly.

    "We got you out before you got crushed by another falling part of the building,"Wendy said.She was holding Carla who was asleep.Happy was too.

    "Zeref escaped,"Levy said.She stared at me with a sad face.

    "What's wrong with Carla and Happy?"I asked them.I just noticed that I haven't seen them for a long time.

    "On the mission,something happened to Carla and she fainted," Wendy said."When we came back,we figured out that Happy fainted at the exact same time and they've been asleep ever since."

    "He isn't bad,"I said as my bangs covered my eyes.

    "Who's not bad?"Erza asked.She looked at me with a face of confusion.

    "Zeref isn't bad,"I answered.

    "What do you mean he's not bad!" Natsu yelled."He killed so many people yesterday!"

    "It's not his fault,"I told Natsu.I was starting to get mad.I figured out that as long as I didn't have strong emotions,Yang wouldn't come out,so I started expressing more emotions.

    "It is his fault!"Natsu yelled and glared at me."Have you really turned evil?!"

    "It isn't his fault,he never meant to,it's like a curse!"I yelled at Natsu."It's because I'm the only one who keeps him calm!"

    "So you're basically saying it's your fault!"Natsu yelled back at me."You're saying you killed thousands of people!"

    "I'M NOT SAYING THAT AT ALL YOU FLAME-HEADED IDIOT!"I shouted,Yang wasn't going to take over this time,and I knew it."I'M SAYING ZEREF IS CURSED BUT STAYS CALM AROUND ME ONLY!"



    "He,what?"Natsu asked in disbeleif.

    "He saved my life,"I repeated."When we were kids."

    "You knew Zeref since you were a kid?"Erza asked.

    "Yeah,"I replied."We always played with each other."

    "How did he protect you?"Wendy asked.

    "I was mad at him one day,and left him,"I told them."When I came back,the house we lived in together was on fire.I was scared he was still in there and ran in to look for him."

     "Did you find him?"Levy asked.

    "I didn't find him in the house,"I said."I was about to run out and that's when I found him in front of the door.The roof was falling and Zeref reached out for me.He saved me,but he got hurt."

    "What do you mean about the curse,though?"Gray asked.

    "Zeref can't control his powers except for when he's with me,"I said."He hates killing people,but accidently kills them.I keep him calm."

    "So Zeref isn't bad,"Wendy said with a small smile.

    "Yeah,but I'm just happy I actually remember him clearly,"I said with a hint of a smile.

    "We'll help you look for Zeref,Yin," Erza offered.

    "Arigatou Erza,"I thanked her.

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