Fairy Tail's Despair

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Ah...I've only fixed punctuation...

........Author's P.O.V.....................

Natsu,Erza,and Gray left the alleyway.They trudged their way to their guild,Fairy Tail.They opened the door and Erza sat at the counter near Mirajane and Natsu and Gray sat together at an empty table in the corner of the guild.The guild stared at the three.

"Hey Natsu...what's wrong?" Lisanna asked Natsu.Natsu stared at Lisanna for a long time until he went back to staring at the table.

"Natsu,how about we go on a mission,it'll cheer yo-,"Lisanna said,but got cut off.

"No,"Natsu said.He said it so bluntly.There were a few who didn't know what was going on and were still playing around with each other.To say the three were mad was wrong,they were infuriated.

"Stop,"Gray said.He grit his teeth to prevent himself from yelling.A few people turned to look at him.They still didn't stop.

"Stop it,"this time,Erza said it,and few more stopped,but not all."How could you play around and be happy we are guilty,we're all guilty!"

Erza broke down and started crying.The whole guild fell silent.Erza.Was.Crying.They looked at
the other two and shivered in fear.They were...furious.Their glares were scary.

"Ano,may I ask what is wrong...Natsu?"Lisanna said quietly."Why are we guilty?"

"Lucy...Lucy left,"Natsu said."We ignored her for three freaking years and you guys don't notice?!"

"We're stupid,so...stupid,"Gray said.Everybody froze.

"No,no that's not possible,Lucy will never leave us,"Mirajane said."Lucy would...never."

"Then where is she Mira...where is she?"Natsu asked.

"We made Lucy...leave,our... nakama,"Lisanna said.She dropped to her knees and started crying.

One by one,Fairy Tail realized what they have done.This is something that they will never forget.Fairy Tail is in despair.

Hi,know I haven't updated in a while and I truly am sorry gomen ne minna.I was busy as always.Well,ja ne and please vote and comment!!!

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