Lucy's Voice

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  I woke up this morning at 4:56.I did my morning routine and went outside.It was pretty early so there weren't many people out in the streets.

    I ended up in front of Fairy Tail and stared at the quiet building.The guild wasn't open and it wasn't very sunny out yet.I was wearing a red shirt with a picture of a black dragon,jeans,and red converse.

    I didn't know how long I stood there,but the sun was rising and there were more people out.I walked around the place and wandered into the park.

    "Lu...-chan?"I heard someone say.I looked and saw Levy with a tear rolling down her cheek.She was hugging the book I stopped making to her chest.

    "I-"I said before getting cut off by her.

    "Oh,I'm sorry Yin I thought you were Lu-chan, friend,"Levy said with a sad smile and ran off.I was sad.My heart hurt and I felt like crying.I felt like I just giving up on everything and running away,but I didn't.I turned around and walked away.

    I went back home and sat down.Gem and Zeref woke up.Zeref went into the shower while Gem sat on my head.

    "Lushy,it's hot!"Gem whined.She tugged at my shirt,bit me,and pulled my hair multiple times.

    "Okay,what do you want?"I asked calmly.

    "I want to go to the park!"Gem exclaimed.The memory of what happened a while ago appeared,but I merely nodded,ignoring it. I've been feeling some emotions after the incident with Yang.

    After Zeref got out of the shower and changed,we left.I changed into a simple white dress and flats,because it was hot.

    We all started walking to the park.I was silent,Zeref was eating a dango,and Gem had a huge smile on her face.

    "Hey Lushy,can we get ice cream?"Gem asked.Come to think of it,Gem is the only one who still calls me Lucy,well,Lushy.

     "Sure,"I said plainly.We went into Danny's Ice Cream and I ordered a chocolate ice cream.Gem ordered cookie dough and Zeref ordered vanilla.

    After we got out I continued walking to the park.It was such a nice day.I thought that nothing wrong could happen.

    "Hey Gem,"I said in a soft voice,but I didn't hear anything."Gem?"

    I turned around and didn't find Gem,nor Zeref.I was still calm though,and decided to try and find them.

    I still didn't find them after about five hours and somehow ended up at the beach.It was beautiful,with the sunset and the steady waves of the ocean.

    I unequipped my flats and walked on the edge of the sand where the waves hit my feet.It had a nice feeling.I felt,happy.

    "Everytime you kissed me,

    I trembled like a child,

    Gathering the roses,

    We sent for the hope,

    Your very voice was in my heart,

    Sweeter than my dreams,

    We were there,

    In everlasting bloom,

    Roses die,

    The secret is inside the pain,

    Winds are high,

    Upon the hills,

    I cannot hear you,

    Come and hold me close,

    I'm shivering cold,

    In the heart of rain,

    Darkness falls,

    I'm calling for,

    The dawn,

    Silver dishes,

    For the memories,

    For the days gone by,

    Singing for,

    The promises,

    Tomorrow may bring,

    I harbor all the old affection,

    Roses of the past,

    Darkness falls,

    And summer will be gone,"I sang.

I was so happy that I had to sing.

    "L-lucy,I mean,Yin,"I heard someone say.I turned and saw Natsu,Gray,Erza,Wendy,and Levy.

    "You,I mean,please come back," Erza pleaded.

    "I can feel your happiness and sorrows in that song,Yin,"Levy said with a sad smile.

    "We will take you back by force,if we have to,"Natsu said with his bangs covering his eyes.

    "We don't want to have to do that,though,"Gray said and looked away.

    "I don't understand what's happening,but please come back...Yin,"Wendy said quietly.

    "Of course you don't,"I said with no emotion."You were on a mission with Carla for a few days."

    "Will you come back?"Erza asked hopefully.

    "No,I won't,"I said with no expession on my face.

    "I'm sorry Yin,I really am,"Natsu said as he looked at me with tears in his eyes."Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

    I dodged and was getting ready for another attack,but we all stopped.Multiple people were running,screaming fire.It was definitly not from Natsu,because there was smoke where the ice cream place was.

    We all ran over there and saw Zeref standing there without his cloak and Gem flying towards me.

    "S-stay away,"Zeref said while crying.He didn't seem to notice me though.

    The places around him were destroyed and some people were dead with there flesh rotting.

    "Z-zeref,"Natsu said with his mouth hanging open.He was beyond mad.

    "W-where is she,it's o-only her," Zeref said again."I only l-like her,sh-she keeps me c-calm!"

    "You're killing everyone,Zeref,"I said."You're killing...everyone."

    "Yin,stay back!"Natsu yelled at me.

    "Zeref,why are you doing this!"I yelled at him,I had tears in my eyes too."I hate you,I hate everyone!"

    My vision was blurred and I had a head ache.I remembered now.Flames.I was trapped in flames.Little Zeref was there,trying to reach out for me.My hands were so small.I was crying a river holding a ripped up teddy-bear.The roof collapsed and everything went black.

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