Arrival: Owl and Raven

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     POV-(Y/n): I looked out the plane window to the beautiful Tokyo night sky illuminated by thousands, possibly millions of city lights. It was breathtaking! I had always wanted to come to Japan, I just never thought I'd actually get to.

     I had pretty much used up the (former) boss's money on new clothes (the old ones were stained with my own blood), getting a passport made, and an expensive ass plane ticket. It was unfortunate but......I'm here and that's what matters.

     The plane landed and the passengers started to exit. I walked down the stairway and into the airport terminal. I gotta admit, I don't have the slightest fucking clue of where to go and I'm starving. I should have just eaten one of the dead gang members before the warehouse burnt down, but I'm cautious of that. I've heard some pretty twisted shit about what happens to ghouls that cannibalize. That they go crazy, and  I don't want to go crazy. At least not yet anyway, I'm not that hungry.

     I walked out of the airport and started walking the streets of the twentieth ward of Tokyo. It was very large but also had many alleyways with little shops here and there. To think this was only one out of multiple wards.

I was interrupted by my stomach pains again. Normally I'd just ignore it but I started to feel light headed. This was bad, I needed to find something to eat and fast. Then, as if my prayers were being answered, a boy walked out of what looked like a bookstore. I could smell coffee on him, it smelled amazing!

     He looked around the same age as me. He had black hair and gray eyes and a very thin build. He wore a white shirt with a gray sweater over it and black jeans with sneakers. I think I just found my meal.

     I followed about twenty yards behind him, occasionally hiding in a doorway or alleyway when he would look behind himself

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     I followed about twenty yards behind him, occasionally hiding in a doorway or alleyway when he would look behind himself. He started walking faster, he was paranoid. I have him right where I want him.

     Just when I was about to strike, a large figure came out of nowhere and blindsided me! They threw me into an alley as the boy I was hunting ran away.

     (Y/n): WHAT THE FUCK!!?

     ??????: *chuckles* You're new here. I've never seen you around. Listen, I know you're hungry but killing innocent humans in the middle of the night is no way to feed yourself.

    Another figure showed up and they came out of the shadows.

     One was an elderly man. He was tall and wore formal attire with a scarf tucked into his shirt. He had gray hair and eyes that looked like they were sealed shut, accompanied by a very gentle smile.

     The other looked to be a grown man, he was also tall but with a broad frame. Or at least I thought. He wore a large grey overcoat so it was hard to tell. He also wore a mask that resembled a bird beak, odd. The only other feature I could pinpoint was his long gray hair that came down past his ears.

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