Easter Special

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I woke to my phone ringing. I sat you and looked at the caller ID: Bestie💕. I picked up the phone.

"Hey Ann, why are you calling this early? It's 7:38!" I complained.

"Don't tell me you don't know what day it is."

"Um, Sunday? The day that I sleep till 1 p.m."

"Aw, come on, don't be like that! It's Easter dummy!"

"Fine I'll be at your mom's in an hour forty minutes. Oh and do you mind if I bring a friend?"

"Oh, you have another friend besides me? Hehe sure bring 'em over!" Letting out a heavy sigh, I ended the call with Anna.

[Time Skip: At Annalisa's Mother's House]

Walking up to the door, Zagan finally spoke. "Why did I have to come with you?"

"I wouldn't leave you at my house alone. Plus, this will be fun~." Zagan just grumbled a response as we walked inside. Everyone's jaws dropped when they layed eyes on the tall guy with raven hair behind me.

"(Y/N) YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?!" All of them astonished.

"Is this what you've been up to for the past week and a half? And why you haven't been picking up my calls?!!" Annalisa convayed in betrayal.

"No, guys listen. This is Zagan and he's just a friend. He had nowhere to go for Easter so I invited him." I finally got the chance to speak.

Easter went by fast. The kids searched for eggs while Annalisa and I caught up. Zagan was interrogated by almost everyone. Then we were all together and shared many laughs. Even Zagan chimed in.

[Time Skip: Walking Home]

"So did you enjoy it?" I looked up to Zagan.

"Easter? Well it was unique, so I guess."

A smile crept onto my face. "I'm glad! But I do have to ask you one more thing."

Zagan finally looked down and met eyes with me. "What is it...?"

"You seemed kind of down in the beginning. Did you just feel uncomfortable or something?"

"You're stupid."

"Whaa- what was that for?! I was just asking!" I pinched him in the arm and my face scrunched.

All of a sudden he placed his hand on my cheek then softly pecked my lips.

"It's because you thought of me as just a friend, and for some reason it just didn't settle right with me." He started to walk off as I blankly stared.

"H-Hey what just happened?!"

"Agh, you ask to many questions. Let's go already." The end~


A/N: I know the ending probably wasn't what you girls wanted. Since the story line doesn't have the romance yet, I just decided to keep it simple/original.

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