Who? | 06

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"W-Who? Why is there a guy in front of my house!" I stopped in my tracks.

I cautiously walked up to the cherry tree in my front yard. He looked up to me and the cat pounced off of his arms and into the backyard.

This is definitely awkward. He started to take a few steps to me with a angry but plain looking face.

I spoke up. "Um, sir, can I help you with something?" He said nothing. He walked up till he was mere inches away from my body.

"Are you the owner of this house?"

"Um, excuse me? Who are you first?" I grew a bit angered.

"That doesn't matter. I need to know if you're the owner."

"Why would you need to know that? It's not up for sale."

"I don't want to buy this house. I just need to know if it's yours."

"Ok yes it's mine. What is it that you want?"

"So this is where Zagan lives." He turned his attention away from me and towards my Japanese styled estate.

"Who are you and how do you know of Zagan?!"

He turned in confusion. "Wait, you don't know who I am?"

"Why would I?"

"Didn't Zagan say that he was working with me?"

"Oh are you his friend?"

"Friend? Is that what he calls me behind my back?"

"So I take it you are not his friend..."

"No, I am a part of a 'group' with him. I'm sure you know of us."

"Really? What's the name of your group?"

"It's called the seven de-" all of a sudden Zagan came out of nowhere and covered the man's mouth.

"Z-Zagan! What are you doing here so early?"

"I got off of work early, but Abdal, what are you doing here?" Zagan now stood next to me now facing the man named Abdal.

"I just wanted to see where I will be living from now on." Abdal spoke up.

"LIVING!?!" Zagan and I yelled in sync.


A/N: Hello my loves~ I'm sorry that I'm a day late ~_~ I hope your enjoying this x reader, and if you are please vote. It brings me such Joy to see my votes counting up!

Look forwards to an Easter special~!

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