Registration | 14

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"Y/Nnnnnnnn)!" A little ginger girl sprints all the way from the front of the schools gate to the entry doors. Where I am.

"Long time no see Anna!" I really hope that she doesn't notice the tall demons hovering over me. Of course I'm sure its not hard to notice.

"Ugh I know! Oh, how was that dish that you were trying to make with lamb chops?" She finally stopped walking since she was about a foots distance from my body.

"Ah yeah, it's was amazing." Crap has it really been that long since ive seen her. Man I feel horrible now. I have just been so busy with all that was going on. I haven't had time to even try being her bestfriend.

"I knew it would be! After all you are an amazing cook- um... (Y/N)? Who Is that guy behind you?" Looks like she has finally noticed. I haven't thought of any excuses yet. I just stare at her dumb-founded while my brain tries to come up with some type of reasoning.

Wait she said guy meaning not pleural. I whip around to see Abdels absent body. Where the heck did he runoff to? And when? Please don't let me find out he's already getting himself in some type of trouble. This isn't the time to be freaking out though. I have to remain calm and think off something. Um an old friend? No. That would never pass by with her. She would have already known about him ages ago.

Zagan cuts off my train of thought to explain himself "Oh I'm her bo-"

NO she cant know. think (Y/N) think quick!!


Shit I don't know what I just did. I knew that Zagan was giving me a confused stare, but I couldn't have him exposing me! How on earth do I explain to her that I need a bodyguard? I looked back, and to my surprise I didn't see a confused stare. I saw a slight blush and maybe a little bit of confusion after all.

"AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME??? I'm wounded!" She roared causing some necks to crack in our direction.

"Did I say boyfriend? I meant to say boy-friend ya know? Like a friend that's a boy." Jeez that was close.

"Ohh, well why didn't you say that earlier? I got so worried that you were going to stop telling me everything!"

"I would never keep anything from you Anna...." Guilt. How could I lie to a girl that I'm supposed to share everything with? As Annas face lit up, Zagan's face dwindled down.

Can I not make everyone happy? What's wrong with me? I make one sad and the other God knows what. Then they reversed emotions!! This year is going to get so complicated.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." A deep but familiar voice echoes into my ears behind me. Followed by a smirk I knew all to well.

"Liam!! I see you haven't grown out of your 'phase' yet?" A spark of joy lit up my face, but I realized that Zagan was not sharing these emotions with me. Not in the slightest. I faced the fact that I'll never understand him.

"Oh shut up about that already! I've told you lile a million and two times thag I don't have this 'phase' you speak of."

I rolled my eyes followed with a chuckle as we all walked to the registration line.


Me, Annalisa, and Liam all grew up together. Our trio would hang out after school everyday for hours.

This band didn't last forever.

If my memory serves me right it was 9th grade year during spring break. Me and Anna tried to see Liam during the spring break, but every time we would knock on his door it wasn't him who answered.

It was always a very tall bulky man that would tell us to go away. Of course this didn't stop us, but we were still unsuccessful on trying to visit him.

When school started up again he was different. This wasn't a small change either. His whole aura changed, it seemed. Liam turned very cold and distant towards us for a good while. Turning  from an ideal student to a delinquent in just one week, everyone was baffled. Rumors spread like wildflowers throughout our school.

We tried asking, but he would never let us in about what happened. As far as we can tell it was an unimaginable situation. Every time we would get the courage to ask him about what happened, he would either storms off or go all ballistic on us.

After a while, he finally started to come around. He can lay off the attitude sometime!! That for sure hasn't gone away.

Me and Anna came to terms with the fact that our little trio would never be the same. That was alright with me. It's not the worst thing that could have happened to us. Right?

Time flew by and we are already at the front of the line. Two teachers greeted us reciting the same thing: "Please put your name, grade, and school number."

The three of us finished quickly and reunited with Zagan. Surprisingly, Abdel reappeared right next to Zagan waiting to register with a few other new faces. It wasn't as long as our line but there was a lot more paper work to be filled out. Plus they also had to acquire their school uniform.

Finally, we were all set up for the upcoming year. What have I gotten myself into. I mentally smack myself right in the face.


(A/N) oooo isn't this goimg to get eciting! I'm have a lot of fun letting my mind wonder on the upcoming scenarios, hehe.

Next chapter: One Week

WHAT! Only a week left until your life changes as school starts back up! Hmmm let's see how this plays out~

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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