Part 9 - The past in the past

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Always expect the unexpected,and you'll never be surprised.

Ellie's point of view.

Those are the words that whirled around in my head as I stared at the woman,who calls herself Meredith.

"Can I help you?" I asked steping out of the door.

"Uhm,yes. Did you read my letter? I sent it about two weeks ago," she smiled nervous.

"Oh,yeah. I uh read it yesterday," My words stumbled a little.

Has that letter really been there for two weeks? If so I must have missed it completely and now I've to deal with this crazy lady at my door.

"I'm really sorry to intrude but I was worried that you might have ignored it or something," she looked at me as if she knows me.

"Can I help you?" I asked unsure of what to say.

"Please can I take you to drink some coffee? I'll explain everything," she ignored my question completely.

"Look I'm not sure you have the right -- ," I began but she cut me off.

"No,I'm sure it is you I'm looking for."

"Okay,come in and take a seat. I'll be with you in a minute," I gestured to the sofa in the living room.

I got dressed as quickly as I could and tied my hair into a neat,wavy,ponytail. Some of my hair fell into my face but it didn't matter. I applied minimum makeup and then went back to Meredith.

"Sorry,I took so long," I said as I walked up to her.

"It's not a problem. So,are you ready?" She asked picking up her purse.

"I am," I replied picking up my cellphone and handbag.

On the drive to the nearest coffee shop I began to think. I must be out of my mind,for getting into a car with a complete stranger. Anyone else would've slammed the door in her face. We park across the street.

After some uncomfortable shuffling around,I finally take my seat,opposite her. A waiter with messy curly hair came over and handed us the menu's, also asking what we would like to drink.

I ordered a chocolate laté and Meredith ordered a farmhouse coffee,black with three sugars. We sat in awkward silence until our drinks arrived.

"So how do you know me?" I asked putting the straw in my drink.

"Oh,I am your mother," she said careless,as if it was nothing more than just a statement.

I choked on my laté, desperately coughing and hitting my chest. Even my brain started to cough up the choking statement.

She casually took a sip of her coffee,looking at me over the rim of her cup. I manage to get the coughing under control and am finally able to speak.

"You are telling me that you are my biological mother!?"

"Yes,I am."

A sudden silence comes over me as I stare at the woman in front of me. She has the same hair colour as I do and her eyes remind me of my own. Maybe just maybe she isn't lying?

"So,are you going to say anything?" She asks concerned.

I did something that even I did not expect or planned out. It just happened. I jumped up and hugged her as tight as I could,my throat beginning to burn as tears rushed to my eyes.

"Mom," was all I could get out between the tears.

"It's okay," she whispered hugging me tight.

"There's so many things I want to ask you," I said drying my tears.

"I know," she said ,"you probably want to know why?"

"I've been thinking about it all my life," I replied soft.

"Well,you deserve to know. You see when you were born,your father and I were very poor. But that didn't matter because we had you. You were our everything, our reason for going on. But unfortunately the bills piled up and the money dried up. We were forced to make a decision, watch you die with us or give you up so you may live."

I swallowed a ball of spit and looked at her. A thin yet sad smile forms on her face. The lines around her eyes,pulling tight as she looked at me.

"So you did love me after all?" I said taking her hand and squeezed it lightly.

"Yes and we missed you every single day," she said her voice shaky.

"Where is father?" I asked with a sniff.

Her eyes immediately saddened and tears formed beneath her eyelids. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words escaped her lips.

"Your father passed away about four months ago," she finally spoke.

"I see. I'm very sorry," I tried to sound sympathetic, but it's hard to mourn about someone you never knew.

"It's alright,Darling."

We sat at the coffeeshop for hours,talking about our lives and asking questions. Reminiscing about the past and trying to learn as much about each other as we could. But nothing lasts forever.

My mother dropped me off at my apartment. We exchanged hugs for a last time. She cupped my face and kissed my cheek with tears in her eyes.

"Please don't cry," I said. "We will see each other again."

"I know,it's just -- seeing you so grown up," she smiled at me.



I silently closed the door behind me after she left,a smile plastered on my face.

Always expect the unexpected and you'll never be surprised. Or so I thought.

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