Part 27 - Eternity

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6 Months later.

Ellie's point of view.

It's a beautiful warm summer's morning. The happy chirping and whistling of song birds filling my ears.

I stare out the window,viewing the lush green grass,trees and eye catching purple and yellow flowers growing in the shade.

The ding-dong of the church bells begin to sound and a soft smile creeps over my face.

"Are you ready Sweetheart?" My mother asked adjusting my bridal vale.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I turn away from the window to face my mother.

She has tears in her eyes but I can tell that they are tears of joy,yet a hint of sadness lie hidden in them.

"Something wrong?" I ask sincere.

"I just wish your father could've been here to see his baby girl," her lips curled up and tears form in her eyes.

"Please don't cry,mom. I'm sure that father is watching us from above with a smile."

"You're right,I shouldn't cry on your special day," she smiles wiping her eyes.

The third and last ding-dong of the church bells sounded. Taking my hand my mother leads me to the large,wooden,carved doors.

A take a deep breath and the wedding march begins to sound. Me and my mother push open the doors,leading us outside.

Rory and I decided to hold the ceremony outside. Looking up to the blue sky,the clouds slowly moving in one direction,I take a breath of fresh air.

Inside I feel calm and contempt. My heart didn't race instead each beat it gave is gentle and timid.

My mother walks me down the isle since neither Rory or I have a father that lives.

"He looks handsome," my mother whispers.

I nod in agreement. Rory is neatly dressed in a complete black suit,a white shirt paired with a baby blue tie. He's without his glasses as well.

I smile looking at him.

Rory's point of view.

Watching Ellie walk down that isle,is like watching the purest angel descend from the gates of heaven.

The saintly white wedding dress perfectly compliments her porcelain skin. Her chocolate brown hair flowing over her shoulders in perfect waves.

As she approached the pulpit I take her hand while her mother goes to take her seat next to my mother.

"Everyone may be seated," the pastor clears his throat.

I've been happy in my life,but I doubt anything will be able to top this day.

Today is the day we bind our hearts,souls and love forever. The day we give ourselves to each other to the end of time because I know,after all we've endured,that our love will carry us all the way.

"Dearly beloveds we are gathered here today to join these two people in Holy matrimony," the pastor begins opening the Bible.

We didn't invite many guests only family and close friends. Even Emily came to our wedding as well as Margot who were one of the bridesmaids.

Ryan was our best man and happens to be one of my closest friends. Flying all the way from London to be able to join us.

"Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today we join them as they publicly declare their devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety,as lover,companion and friend," he goes on.

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