Part 19 - The Final act

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4 Weeks later
Wet T-shirt day.
Friday: visiting hours - 12:00 -14:00

Ellie's point of view.

Today is the day my master plan comes together. The day I scare off those two idiots,as a thanks,for everything they've done.

Currently I am enjoying my lunch alone. At least today's food was something I'd been looking forward too. Fried fish and rice for the main course and watermelon for dessert.

"Excuse me," I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I turn around.

To my surprise it's Megan standing behind me with a food tray in her hand.

"Would you mind if I had lunch with you?" She asks polite.

"Not at all," I offer a smile.

How can Margot say she's a raging lesbian? She seems normal to me,but then again looks can be deceiving.

"Thank you Ellie," she sits next to me.

"Where's your uh friends?" I ask not really curious.

"Getting ready for Wet T-shirt day," she sighs.

"Something wrong?" I ask eating some rice.

"No,it's just I can't participate."

"And why not?" I arch a brow.

"Oh,no I couldn't possibly," she reddens completely.

Is she blushing because she is shy or is she blushing for another reason? I quietly gobble down my meal not thinking about it.

"Are you going to join in on the fun?" She asks not looking at me.

"Hell yeah I am," I answer with a sly undertone.

Later that day ...
Time: 12:00

Emil's point of view.

As I made my way through security, I noticed that something happened at the correctional facility. Everything is simply soaked in water.

All the patients are drenched,the grass is slippery and there are watermelon pieces everywhere. What the hell?

I make my way over to Ellie who is also soaking wet from top to bottom. She is busy gnawing on a piece of watermelon when I take my seat.

"Uh hi Ellie," I greet unsure.

"Hello Emil," she greets back casually.

"So uhm what's going on here? Why is everything wet like on a rainy day?" I ask looking at her.

"It's Wet T-shirt day. It was just something fun they organized for us," she explains biting into the watermelon slice.

"Oh," I use my dark eyes to scan her quickly.

That's when my eyes unexpectedly catch it. Her shirt. It's white and because of the water it's see through! I blink hard to make sure my eyes do not deceive me.

O! It's really real. I can almost see everything and she doesn't seem to care. No,I shouldn't look or I'll make everything worse.

"Hey Ellie where can I get some water around here," I ask.

"Over there," she points to the cafeteria inside.

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