Part 18 - The wheels of revenge

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The following Friday ...
Visiting hours: 12:00-14:00

Emil's point of view.

I decided that I would walk to the correctional facility and on my way there,I'd buy Ellie some flowers. Man why am I so nervous?

The entire time I was walking,I had this strange feeling floating on the bottom of my stomach. I enter the flower shop and buy some pink and white flowers.

I glance at my watch and see that the current time is 12:15. Picking up the pace I walk faster. And after fifteen minutes or so,I arrive at the correctional facility.

At the gate I am scanned,searched and I need to walk through a metal detector. I'm surprised they let me keep the flowers.

Looking around,I spot Ellie. She is sitting under an oak tree at a bench complete with chairs. That odd feeling floated back up again as I approach her.

"Ellie?" I ask unsure.

"Hello Emil," she greets indifferent.

"May I?" I ask gesturing to the chair.

She gives a slight nod and I sit down with a smile. I gently place the flowers on the table in front of her.

"These are for you to say thank you for letting me visit," I eye smile.

"There was no need for that," she replies blunt.

"So how've you been?" I ask unsure,fiddling with my fingers.

"Good,I guess."

Wait a minute. Something isn't quite right here. Ellie's entire attitude is different. Cold and distant,no smiling or cheerful little chuckles.

Not to mention her attire is way different. She never shows that much cleavage. Cleavage. Not now you idiot! I avert my eyes back to Ellie.

"Would it bother you if I eat something?" She asks looking directly into my eyes.

"Not at all," I answer nervous.

I observe her as she opens a pink lunch box. The inside of the lunch box is split in two. One part containing strawberries and the other cream.

I can only imagine what she is going to do with those. Feeling my own mouth water,I swallow my spit and try to make conversation.

"So uh have you made any new friends?"

"One or two," she answers plain.

My eyes follow her hand as she dips the bright red strawberry into the cream. And then slowly brings it up to her beautiful lips to take a bite.

"How's your mom doing?" I ask feeling something ignite in the far reaches of my body.

"I saw her two weeks ago,I guess she's busy," she answers looking at me.

She was on her third cream covered strawberry when two drops of that cream fall on her sizeable cleavage. Don't look. Don't look or she'll never forgive you.

I try to oppress my eyes into looking away but they refuse. She uses her index finger to scrape the cream off her skin and then lick it from her finger.

"You're really enjoying that aren't you," I point out chuckling like an oaf.

She smiles mischievous and bites into the next red cream covered strawberry. It's like she's doing this on purpose, yet she seems oblivious to what she's doing.

"Yes I am," she replies with a slight smile.

Suddenly my right hand rushes to cover my private parts. And panic hits me from behind with a stick. Not now! Not here! Why must my ding dong have a mind of it's own?

"Well,would you look at the time. I think it's time I go," I rush the words from my tongue.

"Okay. Bye Emil," she stands up and the lid of the lunch box falls.

She bends over to pick it up and oh man was I right. Her black and white,vertical striped,pants slide down a bit revealing some ass. Omg I've dreamed about this day!

I had to cover my nose to stop it from bleeding and without so much as another word,I bolt for the gate. By the time she turned around me and my erection are gone.

Later that night.
20:00 pm.
The showers.

Ellie's point of view.

I open the tap inside the shower and patiently wait for the water to heat up. As soon as the water starts to steam, I undress and throw my clothes aside.

Just as I got into the shower Margot shows up,already undressed. She walks straight towards me but stops at the shower next to mine and opens the tap.

I still find it weird to shower with twenty other naked woman. Oh well. Using my hand I test the water temperature before entering.

"So,how'd it go?" Margot asks pouring shampoo into her hand.

"As planned," I smirk lightly.

"Oh,but he left in such a hurry?" She looks at me.

"I'm pretty sure he left with an erection," I point out before getting my hair wet.

Both Margot and I burst with bubbly laughter at the strange behaviour of men. Just a wink and a flash of cleavage and they become like putty in your hands.

"Emil is the more perverted one. Rory seems to have good self-control," I use a sponge to wash my body.

"I bet he'd act otherwise if you wore a wet,see through,shirt," Margot rinses her hair.

"I'll remember that one," I smile mischievous.

During showering we hear the bathroom doors open once again. I was busy washing my face,so I couldn't see who entered.

"Here's that raging lesbian again," Margot whispers annoyed.

Ridding my eyes of the water I glance over to the woman who entered the bathroom with her friends.

"Do you mean Megan Heart?" I ask in a whisper.

"Yes,she's hiding the fact that she likes other woman," Margot points out annoyed.

"How would you know," I inquire arching a brow.

"I've seen the way she looks at you."

"What do you mean?" I ask frowning.

"What kind of a straight woman blushes at other naked woman?" Margot keeps a straight face.

"Blushes? But isn't she just shy,I mean she never talks much?"

"I'm just saying watch it around that secretive lesbian," she grunts.

After our shower we head back to our rooms,I was exhausted. Laying down on the bed,Margot flicked the lights. Then I started thinking about Rory for some reason.

I wonder what he must be thinking? Wait why do I care? I fell asleep shortly after that.

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