Part 21 - a New beginning?

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9 Months later ...

Ellie's point of view.

When I left the United States, I did so with the intent to start a new life. A life away from my pain,suffering,heartache and the people who caused them.

I moved to the small,quiet, but interesting town of Nara in east Honshu. The town of Nara is everything I needed and far away from my past.

I continue to practise as a nurse at one of the Children's hospitals,down the street from where I live and in my free time I study Japanese.

It's that time of the year when the Cherry blossom trees bloom. Their pink and white petals mixing together to create a flowery blanket as far as the eye can see.

Flowers had always held a special place in my heart,but after I met my real mother she gave them a whole new meaning.

She said:

"Love is like a flower. Give it water,nurture it carefully and it will grow. If you fail to give it the love and dedication it needs,that flower will die."

Deep down,for almost the entirety,of my life I felt that I did not receive the love I wanted and the love I deserved. Everybody deserves love,right?

Every person that promised me love took away their love. And with that love went a piece of my soul and the shattered parts of my heart shattered even more.

But I am here now. All of the soreness and torture made me who I am today. Who I am now is what matters. Not them.

My flower withered and died long ago.

Currently my shift at the hospital had ended. I made my way up the lonely street back to the Japanese styled house I'm living in.

The sun had already drifted away behind the mountains,but the sky remained a painting of orange and pink kissed together.

On my way home I called my mother to see how she was doing and also my cat. Funny,even though Rory gave me the cat,I couldn't bear to give him away.

Rory and Emil seldom crossed my mind. I wanted them out. Out of my mind. Out of my heart. Out.

Well,Emil is completely gone and I don't think he will ever return. He abandoned me once more,but it didn't hurt this time. I simply made peace with it.

Saying goodbye to my mother,I order takeaway Ramen and fortune cookies for dinner. Happily watching TV in the process.

Rory's point of view.

Nine months had already flied by since I stumbled onto her empty apartment. Ellie might have left the country,but she never left my heart or my mind.

The warm water of the shower drizzle over me as I contemplate the matter. Her face was like a shadow ever present in the dark corners of my mind.

That unspoken thing between us never died. On the contrary it kept growing like a monster feeding on my emotions. Most days I felt completely emotionally drained.

She once told me that's life. If we love each other, you will hurt me and I will hurt you but we will come back to each other. Because you're worth the pain.

Of course it was just a saying. I don't think she ever loved me in a romantic way,but I know she must've loved Emil?

... you're worth the pain, Ellie.

Flashback ...

It was a hot summers afternoon. We exited the school bus together like we always did. But it was one of those days where everything goes wrong.

It was my birthday,but as usual my parents were not around to celebrate it with me,just the butlers and nannies. Ellie gave me a birthday present before school which I still have to this day.

As I walked home on the gravel dirt road,I stopped. I blankly stared at my house until I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"Rory are you okay?" She asked gently.

"I don't want to go home," I admit.

"You can spend the afternoon with me," she smiled vague.

And that's what we did. We spent the entire afternoon basking in the sun,talking about all our problems. Wishing them away.

It turned into a day that I would never forget. As we were talking,I got lost in her eyes. And she seemed to be lost in mine.

We moved closer to each other,not daring to look away. Our lips edged ever closer,but as they nearly met I hesitated and pulled away.

End of flashback ...

Ah!? What does it matter anyway? Even if I go to her she'll never love me or forgive me for what I've done.

The following day ...

After a restless night,I drove to Emily's apartment to talk to her. I had some things to get off my chest.

"I'm sorry Emily I can never love you in the way you wish," I hang my head.

"I understand Rory," she smiles.

"I rather be honest with you then use you to numb my feelings for Ellie."

"I know Rory. You are a great person and I can see you love her very much. And I could never replace that love," she lifts my chin.

"Thank you Emily. I hope we can remain good friends?" I ask sincere.

"Of course but you've to go to Ellie,now!" She pulls me to my feet.

A few hours later ...

I board the plane at the airport to Tokyo. Looking back I have no one to wave good bye to and that made me realise once again why I love Ellie.

Why I need her. She is basically all I have in this life. I just hope I am making the right decision?

"Ladies and gentleman,this is your Captain speaking. Your 13-hour flight will commence now. Please fasten your seatbelts."

13 hours later ...

I land at Tokyo airport. Now to go to Nara in east Honshu to find the missing piece of my heart.

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