Deceit and Aricka: Pranking Queens

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"Shh, Aricka-don't want to wake Patton up, do you?" the older, more devious side asks. She shakes her head no, holding the bowl of water in her hand. "You go get Logan while I prank Patton."

Aricka sneaks into Logan's room and gently puts his hand into the warm water. Ah, the old warm-water-making-you-wet-the-bed gag, she thought. I'll have to sleep with one eye open for a while, but this is worth it!

Logan's eyes open, but she was out of the room before then. Damien and Aricka put their hands over each other's mouths to stop the hiding. "Now prinxiety!" she whispers. 

For Virgil/Roman, they were going to switch their clothes-Roman would have Virgil's outfits, and Virgil would have Roman's. AND since Virgil's tiny, his clothes would hang off Anxiety's tiny frame.


*the  next morning*


"ME?! WHY AM I WEARING YOUR CLOTHES?" the pair looks at each other before they both yell:


Adopted By Thomas Sanders and The Sanders Sides (UNDER EDITING!)Where stories live. Discover now