Chapter 2

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Ally decided to go see her friend, Raquel, after Joey and Matt left, the house too quite for her to deal with right now. She figured she had the next couple days off, so why not go a little crazy.

She walked straight into Raquel's house, not bothering to knock. "Hey, bitch. I'm here!" She shouted. She heard Raquel laughing as she rounded the corner, walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, hooker." They always greeted each other this way. Being best friends for years, they always joked around. Ally meant her right after she had Joey. She never told Raquel who his father was, as Raquel was a huge fan of Ronnie's. She didn't want to make it weird. Especially with the way Ronnie talked about Ally. He made no secret about the way he felt about her, even publicly shaming her.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Ally asked her sitting in a chair at the table.

"I know you don't do concerts very much, but there's this new band playing tonight and I scored tickets. You have to go with me!"

"Who is it?" Raquel smiled a huge smile.

"I'm sure you haven't heard of them. Falling in Reverse. I've heard some of their music and I have to see them. Come on, Ally, it'll be amazing." Raquel gave her sad, puppy dog eyes and Ally laughed.

"Alright, fine, I'll go." Raquel jumped up and screamed, Ally laughing at her.

"You won't regret it, I promise." They got ready and headed out the door, into the car. "Here," Raquel said as she drove down the highway. "Listen, they are amazing." She pushed play on the CD player and the music started. It wasn't bad, Ally starting to enjoy it. Then she froze when she heard the voice. She'd have known that voice anywhere, she heard it in her dreams. Ronnie.

Ally reached over and turned it down. "This is who we're seeing tonight." She saw as Raquel nodded her head, singing along with the song.

"Their suppose to be really awesome live. Did you know the lead singer used to be in Escape the Fate, Ronnie. They were my favorite."

"You don't say." Ally's head was spinning. She wasn't ready for this, not ready to see him again. Maybe she could still get out of it. Come up with some kind of excuse. "You know, I should really be at home. What if Matt calls?"

"Ally, you have your cell. He has the number. You're not getting out of this." Ally sighed. He probably wouldn't see her anyway. She'd just blend in with crowd, stay back a ways. He'd never even see her.

They pulled into the parking lot and parked. Raquel hurrying out of the car, Ally taking her time. They walked up to and got in line with everyone else. Ally hoped no one recognized her. They shouldn't, Ronnie hadn't said anything about her in a while. Still, she felt like everyone was watching her, her anxiety skyrocketing. She hid her face as Raquel made small talk with people around them.

Finally the line started moving. Raquel handing their tickets to the guard. Raquel grabbed Ally's hand and pushed through the crowd, somehow landing them in the front row. This was not good, she couldn't be this close. "Raquel. Come on, let's go a few rows back." Raquel shook her head.

"No way, lady. We're staying right here. I have to be close to them." Ally sighed and tightly closed her eyes. She would stay here and watch the opening bands, then she'd say she had to go to the bathroom or something and move away. She couldn't let Ronnie see her, especially here.

The lights dimmed and the show started. The first couple bands playing. It felt like it was taking a lifetime, Ally ready to just go home, to never see him at all. The last opening band made their way off stage and Ally turned to Raquel.

"Look, it's so hot, I need some air. I'll be back." Ally started to walk away when the lights dimmed again, and music started playing. Raquel grabbed her arm and forced her to stay there. They came walking out, but Ronnie wasn't there yet. She still had time, she tried to pry her arm away from Raquel's grip, but she wouldn't let go.

"What's up, Los Angeles!!" Ronnie screamed as he came on the stage, the crowd going crazy. Ally's heart beating a mile a minute, praying to God, he didn't see her. She looked at him, he looked amazing. Just as he always did. When she looked at him, all she saw was Joey, they looked so much a like.

They played a couple songs and Ally started to relax, he hadn't noticed her, and she hoped it stayed that way. She let herself enjoy the moment, listening to him, seeing him do what he loved, it was one of her favorite things. He was always an amazing performer.

He looked out to the crowd, loving how they were singing his songs with him, thankful that he got a second chance to do what he loves. He looked at the faces in the front row, doing a double take when he saw her. She was there, in the front row of his show, watching his every move. He smirked, thinking how she couldn't resist seeing what he was doing now, after all their years apart. It also pissed him off, the thought of her checking up on him. He didn't show it though, never even stopped, or let on that he saw her. He would deal with her after the show.

Finally it was done, they thanked the fans and walked off the stage. Ally was relieved, she could finally get out of here and not have to see him again. They made their way toward the door, when Ally felt a hand on her arm.

"Excuse me Miss. Are you Ally Hanisko?" Ally nodded her head, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. He saw her, she knew it. "I'm going to need you to come with me." She shook her head, but the guard wouldn't be deterred. Raquel looked at her concerned and followed behind them as the guard lead Ally backstage, to an open, empty room.

"You can wait in here." The guard left, softly closing the door behind him.

"What the hell is going on? Maybe Ronnie saw you and had to meet you, and you'll fall madly in love, just like in those stories about him?" She laughed and I shook my head, running my hands against my jeans.

"Look, I never told you. I knew Ronnie back before he went to prison." She looked at Ally astonished.

"Yeah right." Raquel replied walking around the room.

"I'm serious. He's Joey's father." Before Rauqel could say anything the door opened and Ronnie walked through it, staring at Ally.

She was just as beautiful as he remembered. Blonde hair now instead of dark brown. He'd have known her anywhere, she just had a way about her, something he never forgot, not matter how hard he tried. He still wanted her, he could feel how he was drawn to her, his excitement when he first saw her in the crowd. He looked at Raquel and frowned. This was a conversation he had to have with Ally, without an audience. "Hey, do you mind giving Ally and I a minute? I need to talk to her."

Raquel looked at her and Ally nodded. Probably better to get this over with. "Alright, I'll be right outside, Al." She walked out of the room and Ronnie turned back to Ally.

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