Chapter 15

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They spent every waking moment together over the next couple weeks, just the three of them. She would catch herself just watching him, her eyes running over every inch of him so she didn't forget a thing. She didn't know how she would survive the weeks to come, they hadn't been apart since she moved in with him.

"Baby." She looked at Ronnie as he pulled her from her thoughts, smiling at him. "Come on, I need to show you something." He held out his hand and she took it, interlocking their fingers together. He lead her to the basement door and turned to her. "I have a surprise for you." He kissed her nose before he opened the door.

She followed him down, wondering what his surprise could possibly be. He stopped as he came to a door and turned to her again, resting his hands on her waist.

"I know it took a lot for you to take a break from work so you could be with Joey. I know how much you're going to miss dancing while I'm gone and I'm more than sorry you have too." He kissed her forehead gently and opened the door.

Her face lite up when she saw what was behind the door. Her very own dance studio, her heart starting hammering inside her chest as she took the first step onto the brand new hardwood floor. There were full length mirrors on all the walls, ballet bars lining the room, a state of the art sound system. She walked over to a door and opened it, she looked back at Ronnie with a huge smile when she saw the playroom for Joey, so he could play and she could dance.

She ran to him and flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him, amazed at the fact that he would do this for her. "Ronnie, this is amazing!" She leaned back and kissed him. "I can't believe you did this!"

"You like it, baby?" She nodded her head vigorously and he laughed. Loving to see how happy she was. "There's more." He lead her to the front of the room. "A lot of the kid's were upset that you wouldn't be there for a while. So I got with their parents and told them you could still teach, just from here. Here's a list of the kids that want to have lessons from you. You just need to call them and set it up." She looked at him, her eyes filling with happy tears at the thought of all he did to make her happy.

"Thank you so much for this. You have no idea how much this means to me. You have got to be the best boyfriend in the world!" He laughed as he pulled her to him, drying her tears with his hands and leading her back upstairs. "How long have you been planning this?"

"The studio, since you moved in. I wanted you to have your own space, to be able to do what you love. You love dancing so I wanted to give you that. The other, since we decided you were going to stay home. I thought it might take your mind off of stuff and still let you be independent." She sat on his lap as he sat down and hugged him to her, never wanting to let him go.

"I called Michele. She's going to watch Joey tonight and I'm taking you out. It's our last night together and I want to make it special."

"Where are we going?" She looked at him with a huge smile.

"It's a surprise, but you need to dress nice." She nodded and laid her her head against his chest, closing her eyes and breathing him in.


He took her out that night, her short red strapless dress driving him crazy as it barely covered anything. He knew every man in the club was watching her, the way she moved, the way her long blonde hair cascaded down her back. He knew he'd have to get her home soon, he wanted her and the way she was rubbing up on him wasn't helping.

She reached her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a hot kiss, her tongue dancing his, her body pushing against his. He heard her moan into the kiss and he knew he couldn't wait any longer. He pulled away from her and grabbed her hand, quickly leading her outside.

"Ronnie, where are we going?" He didn't answer her, just lead her to the car and hurried her in. He drove as fast as he could, trying to get her home, his erection uncomfortably pushing against his pants. She watched as he stopped at a light and tired to fix himself, she smirked, loving that she had that effect of on him. She grabbed his free hand and ran it up her thigh and under her dress. She pressed his fingers against her and closed her eyes as he started rubbing them against her.

He could feel how wet she was already through her panties and knew they would never make it home. He had to have her, now. He pulled into a darkened parking lot and shut off the car, both of them reaching for each other at the same time. He pulled her onto his lap, kissing her wildly as he pulled down the top of her dress, his hands immediately gropping her breasts. "Fuck, baby. You drive me crazy." She smiled at him as she started undoing his pants. She leaned back and he took her nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting it, loving the noises she made, only encouraging him to do more.

She unzipped his pants and reached for him, stroking him till he was hard as steel and moaning her name. "Now, Ronnie. God, you get me so wet." They were in a frenzy for one another, knowing they wouldn't be together for long time, made the want amplify even more.

Her breath caught when she felt his hand moving between their bodies, pulling her panties to the side, he pushed her down on him, both of their heads falling back at the impact. He held her tightly against him as they both started moving together, feverishly.

He couldn't get enough of her, always wanting to be as deep in her as he could get. He tried to slow her down, wanting to savor her, but she wouldn't let him. He knew he wouldn't last long, her wetness surrounding him like wet, hot silk, was pushing him closer to the edge. The way she looked, the way her breasts danced close to his face, would be his undoing.

There was no other feeling in the world that felt as good as he did when he was inside her. She couldn't get enough, she'd never be able to. Her hands tangled in his hair as she rode him hard and fast. She felt the tightening in her core and she cried out his name as she exploded around him, her nails digging into his neck. He hissed in pain and took her mouth with his, groaning as he felt her cum around him, her walls flexing against him. He reached for her hips, moving her even faster against him, chasing his own release. "Come on, baby. Cum for me." Hearing her talk to him that way was his undoing, it was rare when she did, and it turned him on like nothing else. His fingers bit into her sides as he came deep within her, yelling her name.

They rested their foreheads against each other as they fought for breath, their hands running over the other, staying joined as long as possible. "I was trying to make it home." She laughed and sat up, closing her eyes at the feeling of him still inside of her. "I would have made it too if you wouldn't have grabbed my hand that way." She shrugged her shoulders as he gently helped her off of him.

"I couldn't wait. I had to have you touch me, to relieve some of the ache." He smirked at her as he fixed his pants and she fixed her dress.

"Glad I could help." They both laughed as he started the car and started the drive home.

She laid there later that night, next to him, watching him sleep. She smoothed his hair away from his face, gently stroking his cheek. She knew she would miss him like crazy, especially times like these. She rested her head on his chest, he immediately pulled her closer and she couldn't help but smile. Even in his sleep he wanted to be close to her, the thought made her happy and sad at the same time. These were the times she would miss the most, falling asleep with him and waking up with him.

"I love you so much." She whispered to him. She cuddled closer to him and fell asleep in his arms

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