Chapter 10

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Over the next couple of weeks, true to his word, Ronnie was doing everything he said he would. He was spending as much time with Joey as he could, trying make up for lost time. He realized what a fool he had been and how much he loves being a father. Ally even let Joey spend the night with him, much to the dislike of her brother, who thought she was crazy for even talking to Ronnie again.

Ally had just gotten off work and stopped at Matt's to pick up Joey. She walked in and saw them sitting on the couch watching a cartoon. Matt looked at her and smiled, standing up, he told her to come into the other room with him.

"What's up?" Ally sat in the chair as he sat across from her.

"Ronnie called me. He wanted to come get Joey, take him home." He looked at her annyoned.

"Ok, so why didn't you let him?" She saw the look of disbelief flash across his face.

"Ally, really. Why would I?" He got up and started pacing the room.

"Matt. Ronnie is his father and he's trying to be there for him. You need to let that happen." She ran a hand through her hair.

"I can't believe you. A couple of weeks ago, you wanted nothing to do with him and now you're defending him?"

"Look, Ronnie and I talked. We're even trying to work on us again, maybe be together again. We still love each other. He's been really good with Joey." She told him with a big smile.

He shook his head at her. "He doesn't deserve to be anywhere near that child or you for that matter. You're crazy if you let him back in, Ally." She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Then I guess I'm crazy because he's there, Matt. He's always been there. Joey is my child and I want him to know his father. You don't get a say in it, Matt." She got up and walked into the living room, grabbing Joey and walking out.

She couldn't believe that he had the nerve to try and tell her what to do. She was so sick of people doing that to her. Instead of heading home, she turned around and headed for Ronnie's house. She hadn't seen him in a couple days and needed to now. When they got there, the gate was open so she drove in. She saw his car parked in the garage and smiled, thankful he was home.

"Joey, you want to go see dad?" She looked in the mirror as he nodded his head. She smiled and got him out. She set him down and he ran to the door.

"Who are you?" She turned her head and saw a skinny brunette standing in the garage in a very skimpy bikini and her heart stopped.

"I'm here to see Ronnie. I'm Ally." She rolled her eyes and started walking away.

"He's in the shower. He should be down in a minute." Ally nodded and walked in behind her, while Joey went and played with the toys Ronnie had bought for him. A couple minutes later, Ally saw the girl walk upstairs and her temper flaired. She'd be damned if he played her this way. She got up and followed her, seeing her walk straight into Ronnie's room. She heard voices.

"Baby," the girl said. "Here, let me dry your back." Ally felt like she'd been hit by a truck. She was a fool, but as she started to walk away she heard Ronnie.

"What the fuck are you still doing here, Lilly? I told you when you showed up, I wasn't interested." Ally turned and listened.

"What? You want that girl, Ally? She's not even pretty. I just saw her, you know. Downstairs, with the boy." There was a pause and Ally turned around and tried to make it downstairs. She didn't even make it down the hall before he spotted her.

"Baby, wait!" He called, running after her. She didn't stop though, she didn't know what to even say to him. All the things Max and Matt had said played in her head. She felt his hand on her arm as he gently turned her to him. "What are you doing here?" She shook her head.

"I don't know. I had a bad day, had a fight with Matt, and just wanted to see you. Then I get here and there is some bitch here, almost naked, running around your house." She tried to get out of his hold, but he held on tighter.

"Ally. She showed up with Micheal. He must have went somewhere while I was in the shower. It wasn't what it looked like, you have to believe me. I wouldn't do that, I swear. I want you too much."

She shook her head and pulled her arm from his grip and walked down the stairs. "Joey. Come on baby, we're going home."

"But mommy, I wanted to see dad." He walked over to her and his face lite up as he saw Ronnie walking down.

"Hey, little man." Ronnie picked him up and hugged him. "What are you doing?" Joey laid his head on Ronnie's shoulder and shrugged his shoulders.

Ally looked as Lilly walked down the stairs with her stuff. "Thanks for letting Micheal and I use your pool while you were working." She kissed Ronnie's cheek and walked outside when a car pulled up.

"Ally." Ronnie put Joey down and walked to her, taking her face into his hands. "I didn't do anything with her. Please, baby. Please believe me." Ally closed her eyes and nodded, smiling as he kissed her. It had been days since he last kissed her and she wasn't in a hurry to move away from him. "Stay with me tonight?" She looked at Joey and then back at Ronnie and nodded her head.

"I need to run home though, I dont have any clothes." His hands gripped her waist and he pulled her against him hard.

"You won't need any." His eyes turned darker as he looked at her, he leaned down and kissed her again, before moving away to go play with Joey.


She watched him most of the night, loving how he was with their son. How he gave Joey his undivided attention, just seeing them together made her the happiest she has ever been. Even though she still has some reservations about being with him fully again, she would never deny Ronnie any time with Joey.

Ronnie looked at Ally and smiled when he saw her looking at him. He got up and made his way to her, thinking how lucky he was to even have another chance with her after the way he treated her. She backed away from him, giggling, as he stalked toward her, his eyes moving over every inch of her body. They hadn't been together since being home, he wanted her, and the sooner the better. She tried to squeeze past him, but he caught her and pinned her between the counter and his body.

"Where you going, baby?" His hands moving to cup her face as he leaned closer to her. He brushed his lips against hers, she tried to capture his, but he pulled back before she could.

"Ronnie." She closed her eyes as his hands moved down her neck and over her breasts, stopping when he reached her waist, his fingers digging into her skin. She opened her eyes and looked at him, her hands moving slowly up his muscular arms, up over his shoulders, and around his neck. "Please, Ronnie. Kiss me." He smirked at her as his lips ment hers. She sighed when their lips finally touched, her fingers sinking into his hair as he pulled her closer. Just as it was starting to heat up, Joey called for her.

"Mommy. I'm tired." She pulled away from Ronnie and pouted. He laughed and gave her another quick kiss before letting her go.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll kiss every inch of you later." He chuckled as she tripped over her feet as she walked out.

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