Chapter 4

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It had been a month since her run in with Ronnie. Raquel apologizing over and over for making Ally go to that concert. She had told Raquel that it wasn't her fault, it would have happened eventually. Ally trying not to think about that night or him, but it was hard when all she saw when she looked at Joey, was him.

She was working alot more, drowning herself in her work and Joey. Not leaving time for much else. She hadn't seen any of her friends or even Matt since that night. She didn't want to answer any questions, Ronnie having gone on Twitter, trying to tell her again how sorry he was for that night. That's all anyone wanted to talk about, she just wanted to try to forget about it.

She came home from work and saw Matt's car parked in the driveway, him climbing out when she pulled in. She shook her head, already knowing she was going to get a lecture.

She climb out of the car, reaching for Joey, and smiled at Matt. "Hey." She greeted him, setting Joey down.

"What's going on?" Matt followed them in the house, but not before he noticed the dark circles under her eyes. Just like she looked the last time she saw Ronnie, when he was arrested. He shook his head, pissed off.

"Nothing. Just working and trying to keep up with Joey." She set her bag down and sat on the couch, Joey running up to his room.

"You work way too much, Ally. You need to slow down. I can tell you haven't been sleeping. Want to talk about it?" She shook her head.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm fine. I have to work a lot, Matt, I have a kid I have to take care of." She hated having this conversation with him over and over.

"Make him help, Ally. Maybe then you wouldn't have to work so damn much!" She rested her head in her hands.

"I've told you, I can't make him do anything and I don't want anything from him! It's not easy, him being Joey's father. It's not like he's just a normal person. I piss him off, he puts it all over the place, and I'm always the bad guy, no matter the situation. I can't go through that again, so if I have go work extra hours to make ends meet, then that's what I'll do!"

"I just don't like it..." He was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. She looked at it and noticed it was Ronnie's dad calling. She smiled, she always had a soft spot for him. She answered right away.

"Russell, hey how are you?" She smiled into the phone.

"I'm good, Ally. Listen, I don't mean to spring this on you, but it's been a while since I've seen my grandson. I was wondering if you would be able to take a long weekend and come home so I could see him?"

"You know, that sounds like a great idea. I could use a few days away, plus Joey would love to see you." Matt shook his head, he hated the idea of her going.

"Great then I'll see you guys Friday." She said her goodbyes and hung up.

"You're really going to go?" Matt stood up and followed her to the kitchen.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to see him again. I miss him. He's so good with Joey, too. I mean just because Ronnie doesn't want him, it doesn't mean his dad can't." She opened the fridge and looked for something for dinner.

"I really don't like the idea of you going all the way to Vegas by yourself. What if something happens?" He looked at her with concern written all over his face.

"Nothing will happen. It's not like I haven't went back there by myself before. I need a few days away, collect my thoughts." Matt nodded and hugged her. Maybe she would be able to rest a little.


Friday finally came, Ally and Joey driving to Vegas in the early morning light. Ally wanting to get there as soon as possible. She missed being in Vegas. The only reason she ever left was because she needed her brother and of course the constant reminders of Ronnie.

She pulled off the highway and drove down the familiar streets, smiling when she past a park where her and Ronnie would meet each other. She drove past her old house, it still looked the same. Same bluish grayish color. Still had the rose garden lining the driveway, just as her dad had intended.

Finally, her car came to a stop in front of Ronnie's old house. A house she had been to a million times, happier times. She got out of the car and helped Joey out, as the front door opened. She smiled as she saw Russell walking down the driveway towards them. Joey laughing and running to greet him.

"You can't be the same boy I saw a couple months ago, can you?" Joey giggled and flung himself into Russell's arms.

"Grandpa, it is me!" She watched, silently laughing at the exchange between them.

"Ally, sweetie, are you sure this is our boy, he seems way too big." That got another round of giggles from Joey, tipping his head back, his shoulders shaking.

"Mommy, tell him it's me!" She laughed and walked closer to them.

"Its our boy alright." She said ruffling his hair. Russell set Joey down and looked at Ally. She was just as pretty as she was the last time he saw her, but the light in her eyes had dimmed. He noticed that right away. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. He was thankful that she was Joey's mother and not someone else.

"Come on. Let's go inside." He slung his arm around her shoulder and walked behind Joey into the house. "So, I was thinking you guys could take Ronnie's old room, since it's the both of you, it's bigger than the other room."

"Wherever you want us is fine." Even though it gave her butterflies thinking about staying in that room, a room she had stayed in a million times.

They sat at the kitchen table catching up, talking about what was going on in her life, his life, while Joey played on the floor. He always made Ally feel welcome, even from the first day she ever meant him. He reminded her so much of her own father, that's why she adored him so much. Her own father dying while Ronnie was in prison, never meeting his grandson.

She looked at the front door as she heard a car pull up and a door slam. "Were you expecting anyone else?" She looked at Russell as he stood up.

"Now, Ally. Don't get upset, alright." She picked up Joey as she saw his reflection in the screen door, her heart hammering in her chest.

The door opened. "Hey, dad." Ronnie walked in and stopped as soon as he saw the two of them. His eyes turning dark with anger at the sight of them in the house. He looked at Russell. "What is she doing here?"

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