Chapter 17

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She threw herself into her dancing, taking on as many of the kids that Ronnie had talked too as she could. Between teaching again and taking care of Joey, she barely had time to think too much about Ronnie. He had be gone for three weeks now, they made sure they talked all the time, before shows and after, during all his down time. She was thankful for that, loving how even though he was away from her, she was still a priority to him.

It was the quiet times when she missed him the most. After Joey was in bed and Ronnie had to go. When she would lay in their bed and will herself to sleep, wishing his arms were holding her tight. Most nights she would fall asleep on the couch, hating sleeping in that cold bed alone. Cold, that's how it felt without him in it.

She decided since he was gone, she was going to try and talk to Matt again. Maybe he would finally listen to her. Michele agreed to watch Joey for her and she made her way to Matt's house. Hoping this time he would listen.

She pulled up in front of his house, seeing his car in the driveway, she got out and walked to the door. Lightly knocking, she turned her back to the door and waited to see if he would answer. Her head snapped around as he did and looked at him, a small smile on her face. "What are you doing here?" Her smile faded.

"I wanted to see you, see how you're doing." He opened the door wider and moved to the side, inviting her in.

"I've been alright. I miss my nephew and you." He closed the door behind them as they walked into the living room.

"I miss you, too. I know you don't agree with my decision and I understand why you feel that way, but I'm not asking that you be best friends with him. I just want you back in my life." She took a deep breath as she waited for his response.

"I know, Ally. I'm sorry I was acting that way. How is everything with you guys? He's on tour now, right?" He sat down next to her and took her hand in his.

"Everything is amazing. He's been gone for almost four weeks now, should be home in a couple more. We miss him like crazy." She smiled as he nodded, actually listening to what she was saying.

"I'm glad. I don't agree with what you're doing, you know that. But I also have come to understand that you can't help who you love. The heart wants what the heart wants, whether it's good for you or not. I just want to see you happy, Ally, and if that's him, then so be it." She threw her arms around him, thankful that he was finally coming around. "I'm not saying I'll be friends with him, but if he comes around, I'll be nice. Only for you and Joey."

"Matt, you have no idea how much that means to me. I don't expect for you to be friends with him, I just wanted you to give him a chance. I want you to see how wonderful he is with Joey."

They sat and talked for hours about what has been going on since they hadn't talked. She told him about Ronnie's surprise and Matt seemed very impressed with it. "Wow. That's awesome that he did that for you, that he'd take the time to plan all of that." He smiled at her, she knew he was trying for her. She left a little while after that, heading home to her son.

She walked into the house and Michele smiled at her. "How'd it go, sweetie?" She asked softly.

"Amazing. We're good now. It's such a relief. It just feels like everything is falling into place." She told Michele all about it with a huge smile on her face.

"That's great. I know Ronnie has been worrying about it. He was afraid that any day you'd be sick of it and leave. He loves you so much, you know that, right? He would do anything for you." Ally smiled and nodded.

"I know he does and I love him that much too. I couldn't leave him, even when I was so upset about Matt, I had to be with Ronnie. He's it." They talked a little while longer before deciding to go to dinner. They got Joey ready and drove to a little diner down the street and took the one of the tables outside.

They laughed at the silly faces Joey was making, Ally snapping a picture to send to Ronnie later. They ordered dinner, it was the first time since Ronnie left that she was actually having a great time.

"Hey, Michele." Michele turned around and saw Amber standing there. She smiled nicely, but knew Amber was no good.

"Hey, Amber. How are you?" They talked for a moment before Amber removed her sweater, reveling her very pregnant belly. Ally smiled, hoping one day soon her and Ronnie might have another baby. She would love to have another baby with him, to have him there this time.

Amber sat down and looked at Ally. "You're Ronnie's girlfriend, aren't you? And this is his son?" She eyed Joey and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah. You know him?" Ally smiled at her, loving to meet his friends.

"Yeah, I know him very well. I'm the girl he was with before you came back." Ally was shocked, she looked at Michele.

"Amber, I think you should go. Ally had nothing to do with it. She didn't know about you and him." Michele tried to explain.

"Let me ask you a question." Amber pointed at Ally. "Did you know about me before or after you fucked him?"

Ally immediately grabbed Joey and stood up. "Look, I had no idea. He didn't tell me. We have a history, a child together. We never stopped loving each other. I'm sorry about what happened." Ally turned to leave when Amber stopped her.

"I've been trying to talk to him. He won't return my calls. I've been trying to let him know that this baby," she rubbed her stomach. "Is his."

Ally's mouth hung open in shock. She stopped in her tracks and turned around. She didn't know what to say. "You expect us to believe that that baby is Ronnie's?" Michele asked her standing next to Ally.

"I don't care what you believe. It's the truth. I have the dates that he and I were together and they match the due date. You're not the only one that will have his baby. You know after being with your son, he's going to want to be with me for everything for this baby once he figures out I'm telling the truth. Then where that leave you? I'm going to get him back. Pretty soon, you'll just be one of his baby mama's and I'll be the one with him." She turned on her heel and walked away.

"Ally, you know that's not true right? Ronnie would never do that to you. Who knows if she's even telling the truth? There could be a million guys that could be the father." Michele tried to reason.

"I know. I need to get home. Ronnie will be calling soon. I need to talk to him. If I needed you to, would you watch Joey so I can go see him? I don't think this a conversation I can have with him over the phone." Michele hugged her.

"Of course. Just let me know when."

Ally pulled away from her. "Soon. As soon as I could make arrangements." She hugged Joey close as she made her way to the car.

She had just walked in the house when her phone started ringing. She knew it was him and she was debating whether or not to even answer it. In the end, she decided to answer it.

"Hey, baby!!" She smiled at the sound of his voice, missing him so much and wishing he was here. "I was afraid you weren't going to answer."

"I just got back from dinner with Michele. I meant Amber." She heard him sigh.

"I'm glad you and Michele are getting along. What the hell did Amber want?" She didn't want to tell him now, she needed to see him.

"Ronnie. Can I come see you, please? Michele said she would watch Joey." Ronnie knew right then something was going on, something so big, she wouldn't tell him on the phone.

"Yeah, baby, of course. I'll make the arrangements. I wish you'd tell me what's bothering you though. I love you, Ally." She shook her head.

"Yeah, I love you too." She hung up without another word, not even a goodbye. He tried calling her again but she didn't answer. She had too much on her mind to talk to him right now.

She gave Joey a bath and put him to bed. She walked back downstairs and sat on the couch, throwing the blanket around her, suddenly very cold. She knew Amber was right. She knew Ronnie would want to be there for everything once he figured out it was his. Where would that leave her and Joey? Would he even want them anymore? She knew sleep wouldn't come easy that night

Forever and AlwaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora