Chapter 5

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She stood there looking between the both of them, holding Joey close to her. She couldn't believe that he was here, this was just what she needed.

"I invited her here." Russell told Ronnie, as Ronnie watched her and Joey. "I wanted to see my grandson and you needed to see your son, work out all this stuff with Ally." Her head was spinning, she didn't want him near Joey. He made his intentions clear, he had none where Joey was concerned. She wasn't going to put her son through the same pain she was in.

She looked at Ronnie. "I didn't know you would be here, I'm sorry. I'll just go get our stuff and we'll go." It seemed like she was always apologizing to him for something, whether it was her fault or not.

"You're already here. Dad wants you here, you can stay. But you need to stay out of my way, Ally." He turned around and walked out of the house, she shook her head.

"Who was that, mommy?" She looked at Russell before she answered.

"No one, baby." She turned on her heel and walked upstairs. She took him into the room and sat on the bed, angry tears pooling into her eyes. She wiped at them, pissed that he could always get her that point, he was the only one that could. Joey sat next to her, his little arms wrapped around her arm. She smiled and kissed his head as the bedroom opened.

"He gave you my room?" Ronnie was standing in the doorway, looking at her, annoyance all over his face.

"Umm, we'll just go to the other room." She set Joey down and grabbed their bags, trying to pass him, but he wouldn't let her through.

"Just stay here." He turned and walked away, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Ally and Joey stayed in the room most of the afternoon, only coming down when Joey said he was hungry. She hated the idea of having to be in the same room with Ronnie. She could hear them laughing on the way downstairs. She took a deep breath and walked into the room. She looked at Russell.

"Would it be ok if I made him a sandwich?" She could feel Ronnie's eyes on her, but refused to look at him. Joey ran over to Russell, jumping into his lap.

"Of course, Ally. You want me to get it?" He started getting up.

"No, it's fine. I got it." She walked into the kitchen and got started. She could hear Joey talking but not really hearing what he was saying. She could hear Joey laughing and she smiled, she loved his laugh so much.

She walked back out with a half a sandwich and set it in front of him. He scrambled over and took a bite. "Thanks mommy."

"You're welcome, baby." She looked around the room, still the way she remembered it. Barely listening to their conversation, his voice sending chills down her body. She loved his voice, she could listen to him for hours, it had always been that way.

"Ally, how's the dance studio treating you?" She looked at Russell and smiled.

"Good, I love it there." She smiled thinking about it, how much she loved teaching those kids everything she knew about dancing.

"You're dancing again?" Her eyes snapped to Ronnie. Surprised he was actually talking to her, civilly.

"Teaching." He nodded and they looked away from each other. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, it was so thick. Neither of them knowing what to say to each other, if anything.

Ronnie stood up. "I'm going to meet some friends. I'll be back later."

"Maybe Ally would like to go." Russell stood up and pointed to her. Ronnie rolled his eyes.

"You want to go?" She looked between the both of them. Russell nodding his head and Ronnie staring at her.

"I don't really think that's a good idea." Ronnie smiled and started walking away.

"Good choice. My friends wouldn't want to see you anyway." With that, he walked out the door, slamming it behind him. She shook her head, trying to understand why he hated her so much, why he always felt it necessary to be so mean to her.

"We'll stay the night, I'll give you one night with Joey, but we're leaving in the morning." With that she walked out of the room and upstairs.

Her phone went off and she saw Max was calling her. "Hey!" She answered, finally talking to someone who actually wanted to talk to her.

"Hey, girl. Matt told me you're in Vegas. Want to hang out tonight?" She smiled.

"You know, that sounds amazing. Come get me. I'm at Russell's." She hung up and got changed, made sure it was ok with Russell, then ran out when she saw Max pull up.

"Did I ever tell you," he started as she climbed into the car. "You clean up real nice, Ally." She laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks, Max." He took off, driving to the nearest bar and stopping. She saw the other guys from Escape the Fate standing outside by the door waiting for them. She ran to them, hugging each of them, so glad to see some friendly faces. "Come on, let's go inside."

What she didn't see was who was standing by a car in the parking lot, watching her every move, watching her wrap her arm around Max's arm as they walked in the bar. Ronnie let out a slow breath, wanting to go to her, but fighting it with every fiber of his being. She looked beautiful, he was pretty sure he could have her again, if he put any effort into it at all. They way she looked at him gave her away.

He walked in a couple minutes later, his eyes immediately finding her on the dance floor with Robert, dancing like she didn't have a 3 year old at home waiting for her. Robert's hands moving down her back, holding onto her hips as she moved closer to him. Ronnie couldn't help but to remember how it felt to have her pressed against him that way. How could he forget, they were always all over each other, could never get enough of the other.

"Ronnie, man, forget her." His friend told him. Ronnie nodded but couldn't take his eyes off of her. He walked closer, only intending to watch, but as she ran her fingers through her hair and looked at him, he knew he had to touch her.

She saw him walking towards them, her heart beating wildly in her chest, wondering what he was going to do. Robert looked at Ronnie and took a step back, not wanting any issues. Ronnie stood in front of her, looking her up and down, licking his lips. He grabbed her hips, suddenly, and pulled her roughly against his body. They stayed pressed against each other, just standing there, staring at one another.

He started moving with her slowly, pulling her closer so there wasn't any space between them, she was captivated by him, she couldn't move away. His hands slipping around her waist, holding her in place. She tentatively slipped her hands up his chest and around his neck, moving her body against his. He pressed his hips against her and she closed her eyes tightly, gripping his shirt, she could feel his erection against her. She opened her eyes and looked at him as he slowly leaned down, waiting to see if she moved away from him. When she didn't, he took advantage and pressed his lips against hers.

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