Chapter One

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Briiiing! Briiiing! Briiiing!

Kate snapped out of her daydream with a start.

The school bell, no matter how many times a day she heard its shrill sound, still had that effect on her. She hadn't gotten used to it. Kate sighed. It was as if everyday was her first day here at Lisdon High school.

She thought back to her first day- It wasn't hard to remember. The memory was vivid and bittersweet. She couldn't help but smile to herself, remembering the little tomboy she had been back then. She had jumped off the bus, full of energy, sporting baggy jeans and a hoodie- her hair swept back into a low pony-tail. For the first time ever, the laces of her converse were not trailing behind her. Her mother had at least made sure that her shoes were in a presentable state.

Of course, Harry's excited blue eyes had been right behind her, his School bag sagging low on his back. "Wait up, Kate! This bag is Heavy!"

She had turned around to face her best friend. He had looked adorable- the stereotypical freshman on his first day. Kate reached up and brushed a dark strand of hair away from his anxious eyes.

"Don't worry," She had said, taking his arm, "As if I would leave my Harry behind."

She would never forget the smile that spread across his lips.

Now, however, Kate was alone as she left her classroom. She glanced over her shoulder to check if he was there, running toward her, clutching a pile of books. He isn't coming, Kate. He is gone, and he is never coming back. It was a habit she couldn't shake, even after almost three years of Lisdon High school with out him. She wished for the billionth time that he had never left, yet she knew that it was because of her. He didn't even say goodbye.

As Kate opened her pristine locker, releasing a sigh, her friend Emily sprinted over from hers across the hall. Kate couldn't help but smile at the girl.

Emily was reckless, disorganised, and forgetful-almost the exact opposite of Kate. However, you couldn't help but love her. She had a great sense of style, and had influenced Kate to give up her Tomboyish ways. Her blond hair swished around her shoulders when she talked and her green eyes seemed forever surprised, they were always so wide.

Kate loved her because she had taken her in when Harry left. They had been in school together since elementary school. Acquaintances, they would wave to one another in the corridor- exchange a friendly smile, or engage in light conversation.

However, back then, Kate had been a one-friend-only type of kid, and Emily had been too "girly" for Kate and Harry in middle school, when their class had established their friend groups. But when Kate became a loner, without any peers to sit with at lunch, Emily had stepped in and made sure Kate was okay.

More than okay. She had completely taken her under her wing, introduced Kate to her girlfriends, and Kate felt eternally grateful.

Although she had known Harry was irreplaceable, and half of her expected him to shuffle into homeroom any day, the other half believed she had to move on. And she convinced herself that she had.

Kate had joined the student council, the dramatic society and even, with a lot of encouragement from Emily and Amy, the cheer leading squad. She could say that she was 'popular' now. Or at least hung out with popular people.

"Oh my gosh Kate! You will not BELIEVE who I saw in Mr. Mason's OFFICE! I ran all the way here, you are the first person that I need to tell!"

Kate feigned excitement- Emily often was like that, dramatising the simplest of school news.

Kate also guessed it was some 'gorgeous' new-boy that had arrived. Emily had at one time or another a 'thing' for almost every boy in their year over their time spent in Lisdon, and she figured that this one could not escape Emily's attention.

"Oh tell me quick, Emily, before you explode!" Kate laughed. Her smile quickly slid from her face when Emily grabbed her arm and looked deeply into her blue-grey eyes before she spoke:

"Harry Miller is back."

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