Chapter Fourteen

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Harry escorted Kate around the side of the house. She was still shaking, but not just because of what Brandon had almost done.

Harry wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him. She could hear his heart beating through his shirt.  A part of her wanted to yell at him, demand an explanation for what he did earlier, but she didn't. She couldn't. He was with her now, and she felt too weak to start an interrogation. She was exactly where she wanted to be: in his arms.

"How are you?" He asked quietly into her hair.

She inhaled a deep breath, "I'm... Okay," she replied slowly.

"You're exhausted," He said in the same, soft voice, "I'll drive you home."

She shook her head, "No, no," she answered desperately as he broke their embrace. She didn't want him to let her go. He looked at her quizzically, "No? Why?"

"I, uh, I'm going to Emily's so I'd better find her," She replied, looking down at her feet. Harry brushed a strand of hair from her face, "Okay," He said softly, however his eyebrows furrowed as they both made eye contact again, "Is there something you aren't telling me?"

"Harry, we can talk about this later, I don't have the energy to get mad."

"Mad?" His eyes suddenly flashed in realisation, "Kate, I'm sorry, I-"

He was interrupted by Cathy, Emily and Amy.

"Oh my God," Cathy gushed, "What happened? Your dress and what did you do with your hair?"

Kate sighed an "I'm fine," but Harry's eyes flashed with anger at the sight of her friend, "You," He said through gritted teeth, "And I need to talk." He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away from the little group. Kate was completely flabbergasted.

"Why does Harry need to talk to Cathy?" She asked her two friends. Emily shook her head as Amy shrugged her shoulders, "I have no idea," she said as oblivious as the rest of them, "But he seems pretty mad."

"No shit, Sherlock," Amy rolled her eyes at Emily's observational skills, "Come on, let's get out of here."

"But Luke is just inside..." Emily protested.

Amy sighed, "Can he drive us?"

"Uh, no," Emily replied grudgingly.

"Well then, who can? Come on Emily- you said goodbye to him like twice. A third time would just be plain embarrassing."

"Okay, whatever" Emily sulked.

"Right now we need to find a designated driver," Amy said, quickly scanning a group of teens that stumbled past.

"I will," Harry reappeared along with a glum looking Cathy.

"When did you get a car?" Kate yawned.

"Well I always had it, I just haven't been driving it," he replied, pulling out a bunch of keys from his jacket pocket and twirling it around his finger, "Its this way, come on."

Harry led the girls to a sleek black BMW.

"Wow. Nice ride." Amy whistled.

"Thanks, my Dad let me have it after-" His eyes found  Kate's and he stopped, a sad smile crossing his lips. "Never mind, hop in." He opened the passenger door for Kate before doing the same for the other three girls.

"So chivalrous," Kate heard Cathy mutter from the backseat. Kate leaned back in the leather seat. It was funny how the inside of his car smelled just like him. It smelled like fresh air, cleanliness, a hint of peppermint, and that 'person' smell that is unique to each human being and therefore undescribable.

Harry climbed into the car and started the ignition. He looked at Kate, "Okay?" he mouthed.

She nodded. Okay.

Kate checked her phone. It was almost two o'clock in the morning. Tiredness poured over her as they sped into the night. The moon was beautiful and bright against the dark velvet of the sky, the stars twinkling gems sprinkled across the darkness. So beautiful, she thought glancing at Harry, Just like him.

The memory of Jessica's lips on his suddenly stabbed at her heart. She had fallen for him, on a night like this, back in their safe place, their treehouse. She knew that she would never get over him, and it pained her that he obviously didn't feel the same way. It didn't mean as much to him. Maybe it had, before she lost him, but not now. I was too late, she thought, her eyelids growing heavier and heavier. A tear rolled down her cheek as she fell asleep.

She was subconsciously aware of the engine quietening, and the cool night air greeting her as she was lifted out of his car and carried into Emily's house. She was aware of the strength of the arms lifting her weight upstairs and the softness of the pillow against her tired head.

"Goodnight," a voice whispered quietly. Goodnight Harry.

Kate woke up the next morning to the delicious smell of freshly brewed coffee and fried bacon. When she opened her eyes, the sunlight streaming in through the window hurt. She groaned as she rubbed her sore eyes. "What time is it, guys?"

Emily sat up like a shot, " Oh my God it's seven thirty, school starts in half an hour!"

"What?!" Amy gasped from her sleeping bag on the floor, "But this kinda beautiful needs time to get ready!"

"We should not have went to that stupid mid-week party," Kate said groggily as she dragged herself out from under the warm bedcovers.

"No," Amy replied, "It was good,"

"You mean Zach was good," said Cathy from underneath her duvet.

"Whatever," Amy said, her cheeks turning pink, "Come on, we gave got literally fifteen minutes to get ready."

"Someone's changing the subject," Emily giggled as she pulled out the stash of dry shampoo.

The girls hardly spoke another word to one another as they rushed around getting ready. They wolfed down some pancakes and bacon before racing out the door and into Emily's convertible.

"Thank you Mrs Jensen!" Kate called as she waved goodbye to Emily's mom.

Kate glanced at herself in the rearview mirror as they drove to school. She looked absolutely terrible. Her brown hair was dull and lanky, and her eyes seemed small and puffy with tiredness. She was not prepared at all for school today. And not because she hadn't done her physics homework.

[A/N] Here's to another short and useless chapter!! :D More to come soon... *Dramatic music*

But hey, Thanks a ZILLION for 683 reads!!!! ❤ I mean, WHAT!!? I remember when there was only 1 read, so thank you all so so much!!! XD

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