Chapter Two

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Kate could not focus on the lunchtime conversation. Her three friends were babbling about the spring fling that was two weeks away. The red-haired Cathy was sighing and playing with her food, as Emily and Amy patted her back and said things like, "Cathy, you are gorgeous- of course Brandon is going to ask you!"

The three girls looked at Kate expectantly. "Oh, um, yeah Cathy- he is totally gonna ask you," 

She looked at her friends, hoping they hadn't noticed that her mind had been elsewhere. Cathy smiled appreciatively. "Thanks girls, I think you're right- the real question is who Amy is going with!" Amy scoffed, but on cue began listing all of her possible suitors, using her manicured fingers to illustrate.

Kate quickly zoned out of the conversation yet again. The same sentence replayed in her mind over and over. Harry is back. Questions swirled around her head. Where was he? Why did he leave so suddenly? Did he still feel the same as he had at their last encounter? Had he forgotten his friend completely?

Kate needed answers. Fast. She wanted to see him so desperately, but something held her back. Fear?

Emily had told her little about what she had seen in the principal's office. Kate wondered if she hadn't seen Harry at all- there were many dark haired boys at Lisdon. Yet Emily had mentioned his eyes- and Kate Knew those electric blue eyes were unmistakable.

Kate dumped her lunch into the trash can and left the canteen, trailing behind her friends. She hadn't been able to eat anything- nervous anticipation had ruined her appetite. She was relieved that the girls were too caught up in the dance to notice her quiet demeanour- She was usually trotting alongside them, struggling to keep up with the conversation as it constantly chopped and changed.

That was until she felt Amy's arm around her own. "Hey, Kate. What's up? You've been kinda quiet lately." She looked at Kate- her large hazel, puppy-dog eyes full of concern. There was something else as well. Sheknew.

"Uh... Have I? I dunno, I'm sort of worried about this Physics test last class..." She answered feebly. She sighed inwardly. Is that the best you can up withKate? Amy's expression reflected her thoughts. "Um, okay then Kate," She smiled, "Look, I heard about Harry- meeting him again will be fine. We'll all be right beside you. All you gotta do is say 'hello'! You guys were friends, right?"

Kate shrugged. YeahShe thought, Friends.


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