Chapter Nine

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Kate pulled out her phone as she flopped down on the bed. She sighed. Emily hadn't called or texted. I'll talk to her tomorrow about it. She wasn't in the mood to start an inquest into why Emily hadn't shown up. It also wasn't the first time something like that had occurred, and she had already forgiven her thoughtless friend in advance. Kate knew once Emily realised that she had forgotten, she would send her twenty apology texts and probably buy her an array of chocolates.

She knew the real reason why she felt so terribly was because of a particular boy. Tears threatened to spill out onto her pillow. She couldn't bring herself to hate him, but she was close. Too close.

"Kate?" her mom was standing at her bedroom door, a worried expression etched across her features. "Are you alright?"

Kate sat up straight on her bed, "Yeah, I'm fine I'm just starting my homew-" When her mother gave her 'the look' she sighed in defeat, shoulders sagging. "No. No I'm not."

Her mom sat down beside her on the bed and tucked a strand of Kate's hair behind her ears. She smiled slightly, lighting up her blue eyes that were so much like Kate's. "Honey, I heard that Harry is back from the UK."

So she knows. Wait, he was in the UK? How does she...? Her mom continued, "and I know that its strange for you, him being back in you're life. You have other friends now, you're more mature- I hope," she smiled at her daughter, before her expression became more serious, "but you must realise that he has changed also. I mean, what were you expecting? It is all part of growing up. I just," she sighed as she looked into Kate's eyes, "I don't want you to get hurt."

Kate nodded quickly and looked down at her hands. "I know," she said brusquely. "Um, thanks mom." She smiled at her mother appreciatively. However her smile quickly faded as the door closed lightly behind her mom. What if its too late? What if I'm already hurt?

Her thoughts were disrupted by her phone bleeping. She unlocked the iPhone by swiping to the right. Her screensaver was a group selfie at her birthday party last year. She smiled at the memory- there had been quite a few takes to get the perfect photo. She clicked to view her new notification. Amy had started a group chat via Facebook:

'Hey girlies... So boreeed tbh... will I I start getting ready?... How was DT Kate? :* xo'

Kate sighed as she responded, thumbs flying over the small keypad:

'Not so good... Private chat? x'

Almost simultaneously came a reply:

'Sure hunny! :*'

In a separate chat Amy said hello before quickly getting down to business:

'How was he? :\ xo'

A wave of emotions came over her as she relayed the events of the evening to Amy. Minus what Jessica told Harry about Brandon and herself. She fought back tears as she waited for a reply. After a few seconds her friend had 'seen' the message and was 'typing...' After a few moments came her response:

Boys with Blue eyesWhere stories live. Discover now