Chapter Eight

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Kate stormed out of the detention centre as soon as Mr.O'Toole's alarm clock sounded. She was glad that he had arrived seconds before Jessica could get comfortable Harry, and made her go down to the gym to get another chair despite her futile protests. The little group served the rest of detention seated at each of the four corners of the classroom in complete silence. She had tried reading her favourite novel Pride & Prejudice, but found her thoughts constantly drawn to Harry- she blamed the fact that his appearance matched to that of Mr. Darcy's.

She sat on the sidewalk furiously running her fingers through her hair- Emily hadn't arrived yet. C'mon Emily... hurry up! She was desperate to leave, to get away from it all... She watched Jessica get into her lemon Beatle and check her lip gloss upkeep in the rearview mirror. Kate noticed for the first time that there were metal 'eye-lashes' on the headlights. How lame. Just like her. She mentally chastised herself- she knew she was being childish. Jessica always had brought out the worst in her.

She wondered for a second where the boys were. She had planned on Emily being there on time so that she could slip away before anyone else left the detention centre. She knew what would happen if she talked to either Harry or Brandon, and she planned on avoiding the both of them.

She heard footsteps behind her. "Look Brandon, my friend Cathy, she is really-"

"Kate, its me, Harry- not Brandon,"

Oh God. She turned her face to look at him, squinting in the sunlight. "What do you want?"

"Kate, I don't know why you're always so mad at me," he said as he sat down on the curb next to her.

"Oh really? Well how about the whole episode with Jess, huh? And the reason why I was mad in the first place?! You have absolutely no-" A pained expression crossed his features as he lifted a finger to silence her.

"Listen for once, Kate. Listen."

"Okay, fine. I'm listening," she said, indignant.

"Firstly, I don't get it why your so peeved at Jess- your the one that has Brandon wrapped around your finger and-"

"Wow, wow, wow. Firstly, Brandon has been nothing but a nice friend to me, whereas 'Jess' has always been a horrible little b-"

"Kate! You have no idea what Brandon is like- at least with Jess, I know what I'm dealing with,"

Kate was surprised to find herself hurt at what Harry said so easily. What sort of 'dealing' is going on with Jessica? In a sense, she felt betrayed. She gulped. Why does my throat suddenly feel so dry?

"So," she swallowed again, "So you're 'with' Jessica now?"

Harry looked at her for a moment. "Kate, you kn-"

In that perfect moment, a smug looking Jessica drove up to them crouched on the curb. "Well, sorry to break thing up here," she smiled sweetly at Kate after scrolling down the window, "but I was wondering, Harry, if you have a ride home?"

"Um actually I was gonna-" He began, before he was interrupted by Jessica's overpowering voice, "Oh Kate, I was wondering- so you're with Brandon now? I mean you haven't come out as an official couple yet," She smiled again at Kate, knowing the effect her sentence would have on the two people standing in front of her. Her smile spread into a grin as she read Harry's expression. His face had fallen, and he looked at Kate almost in disgust.

"Hop in, honey," Jessica said, patting the passenger seat. She knew she had beaten Kate. And she relished it. "Harry," Kate looked at him desperately, "That is completely-"

"Save it," he said, walking away from her and opening Jessica's car door. "Seriously, Kate? 'Friends'?" He slammed the door, making the vehicle wobble slightly. "Bye Kate!" Jessica waved victoriously as the car sped off down the road and into the sunset.

Anger and hurt welled up inside of Kate. Tears once again pricked her eyes. She cursed, Where the hell are you, Emily?

"Hey!" Brandon's sunny voice said behind her. Perfect. "Mr.T just would not shut up about school regulations blah blah blah... God, am I grateful to get out of there," he said with a laugh. When he did not receive a reply, he put his hand on her shoulder, "You alright, Kate?"

She wiped her eyes with her sleeves, unconsciously hoping her eye makeup hadn't smudged.

"Look, Brandon, you've been really nice and everything, but I just can't do this right now- okay?" She wanted him to just leave her alone to her thoughts and worries. She wished for the millionth time that Emily would arrive- the girl was almost twenty minutes late.

"Do what?" he asked reflexively before shaking his head. "Look Kate, I'm guessing you were supposed to get a lift from some friend or whatever, but they're not here. So let me drop you home. Okay?"

"No, no-" she began to object, but she knew he was right. She sighed, "Okay. Thanks Brandon, its been a rough day."

A few minutes later Kate was slamming the front door behind her and throwing her school bag in the hallway. "Hey sweetie," her Mom called from the kitchen. "How was your day?"

Okay, so it's not a very exciting chapter, but I gotta go to sleep, and I wanted to post something today because I kinda promised... more to come very soon!!! :)

Boys with Blue eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora