Chapter Six

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Of course when Kate finally sat down at the lunch table, her friends needed an explanation. She looked at their expectant bright eyes, and then burst into tears.

She told them everything. They had become, in a short space of time, that type of friend group. She couldn't believe how close they had become over the three years they had known each other. She felt a sense of relief after relating the events, and wiped her eyes. "That's right, honey," Amy said, "Don't waste your tears on him."

She smiled at her friends. "Guys, thanks for everything. You're the best."

They nodded and Emily said, "Hey, we all know what to do after something like this-"

The four girls looked at each other and said in unison: "Shopping trip!"

They pulled out of the school parking lot in Emily's shiny new convertible. They all shared the last two classes, which were free on a Tuesday, so they often skipped. As Emily reversed, Cathy turned to Kate, "Hey, shopping will totally prepare you for detention this evening, you will feel much better!"

Cathy was kind of right. After browsing Hollister, The Body Shop, Target, and numerous others, Kate had a couple of shopping bags full of knickknacks, and smelled like a perfume bottle after all of the samples. The girls sat, chatting, as they sipped on mochas, latés and caramel frappés in Starbucks.

"Well ladies, I don't know about you but I feel like the stereotypical American girl," Amy laughed as she sipped her laté.

They all agreed. "Okay, so who wants to pay?" Emily joked. Kate got up. "Hey, I will. I'm the reason we came here, am I not?" The other girls began to object, and held out fivers and other change. "No, no, my treat. Plus each of you bought me at least one item of clothing today, so chill guys!" As she turned to walk to the till, she felt a hand on her arm.

"Who is going to pay?" She looked up to see Brandon smiling down at her for the second time that day. From the corner of her eye she could see Cathy hurriedly fixing her hair and sitting up a little straighter. "Hey, Brandon! How's it going? I'm sure you know my three best friends- Emily, Amy and Cathy."

He nodded, acknowledging the girls as Cathy squeaked a "Hello." He pulled Kate down, back into seat and pulled one out for himself. "So ladies, what are we doing today?" Amy gestured to the bags at their feet. "Just a little shopping, you know," she cast a sideways glance at Cathy, "We girls have got to start getting ready for the dance coming up. Its our last in high school after all."

He nodded, "Ah, the dance. Wow, I had forgotten. We all have to start asking for dates now before they're all gone." All of the girls at the table looked at Cathy. If Brad noticed, he smoothly acted he hadn't. He turned to Kate. "Isn't that right?" Kate smiled at him and nodded, "Yeah, you'd better ask now before all the good ones are gone, and I'm the only one left."

He took a sip of Kate's Frappé and looked at her for a moment, "Nah, Katie, you'll be one of the first to go." He stood up from the table. "Well, I'd better leave now. Skipping class is not a habit I want to get into." They all laughed at this comment- Brandon was renowned for skipping class. It was like an art to him.

"But hey, thanks for the drink, that stuff is good! And no need to pay, I already had that covered." He winked at Kate before he turned and left the café. Kate smiled as she turned to look at her friends. They all had their mouths hanging open. Cathy looked particularly shocked at the interaction. "What?" Kate asked rhetorically as she sipped her drink.

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