Chapter Eighteen

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Kate stared at the neatly folded paper on her desk. It was from Harry. Even though the prideful part of her was screaming for her to throw the note away, she knew she had to open it. She had to know what he had written inside. Her hands shook slightly as she slowly unfolded the paper, her heart beating faster in her chest. The short note was written in Harry's familiar, perfect yet masculine handwriting:

Kate, please don't ignore this, we need to talk. Meet me at the lake after school? H. x

Kate's head spun. Meet Harry... At the lake... Although that same, prideful part of her told her no, her curiosity took over. She had to know what went down the night before at Brandon's: she was not going to let that opportunity slide. She felt Harry's gaze on the back of her head, and she made her decision. Turning around in her seat she looked at Harry. She breathed in sharply- he looked- Stunning- his dark locks flopping to the side, glinting gold in the sunlight, his eyes a piercing, mesmerising blue. Yes, she nodded to him. And then he smiled, a relieved, lopsided one, that made Kate's heart melt and her cheeks burn. (A/N: See attached photo!!!!)

The bell rang finally, signalling the end of class. Kate glanced down at her notebook. Her cheeks tinged pink, as she had barely written two lines describing Shakespeare's lover, but sketched delicately in the margin of the page was a boy. A boy with dark, inky hair falling attractively over his face, a boy who's eyes were like fragments of the cloudless blue sky in summer.

"Ahem? Earth to Kate!" Emily was standing in front of her desk, arms folded. Kate hoped to God that Emily did not see what she had drawn, or noticed her cheeks turn Scarlett as she quickly slammed her book shut and stuffed it into her bag.

"Coming," Her voice said in a higher pitch than usual. Emily looked at her quizzically. "Alrighty then, can we go before Mr. Hunter kills us for being late to geography?"

Kate looked around. Indeed, they were the last ones leaving the classroom. She smiled, "Don't worry, Mr. Hunter loves me!"

Emily threw her a sour look, "Cant say the same for me," she grumbled.

Geography and every other class until lunch crawled by. She could hear her friends chatter, but wasn't really listening. Her mind was only concerned with a certain blue-eyed boy. She wondered what he had to say to her and she suddenly became frightened. If he is apologising, then what has he done? She chose to believe Jessica's story in spite of herself. However the million-dollar question burned in her mind: Who was it at the fountain?

Cathy's high-pitched laugh shattered her train of thought. Kate glanced at the girl. Today her long wavy hair was loose and cascaded down her shoulders like a shimmery auburn waterfall. Cathy. Cathy, who was madly in love with Brandon. Cathy, who had been ignored all of last night by the same Brandon who had been pursuing her, Kate, instead of her, Cathy. Cathy, whom Harry had forcefully grabbed and asked to speak to, his eyes alight with the burning flame of anger.

Kate suddenly stood up from the lunch-table, her eyes wide with disbelief at the red haired girl sitting across from her. "You," She said, her voice barely above a whisper. It all made sense now, everything clicking into place like clockwork. Kate felt like Nancy Drew when all of her clues finally pieced together to solve a case. Except this was no book, no story. This was her friend, One of Kate's closest, that had betrayed her.

Now everyone at the table looked at her as if she had grown another head. Amy looked at Kate, her expression worried, "Are you alright, Kate? You don't look well at all."

Emily stood up also, placing her arm around Kate's shoulders, "Do you want me to take you to the Matron's office?"

Kate shook her head, her gaze still fixed on Cathy. Visions of Cathy's lips on Harry's made her stomach churn. Maybe she was sick. "I need to talk to Harry," she said softly. "Harry?" Amy said incredulous, "But I thought-" Realisation flashed in Cathy's emerald eyes. She leapt out of her seat and legged it out of the canteen, her hair a ribbon of strawberry-blond behind her.

Amy and Emily looked at one another with shocked faces. "Am I missing something...?" Emily said, puzzled. Amy looked at Kate, a knowing expression on her tanned features. Her chocolate brown eyes were steady, her arched eyebrows raised as she asked, "Kate?"

Kate was made sit down and explain the whole story to her two friends, even though all she wanted to do was find Harry and apologise and hug him and-

"So let me get this straight. Cathy, our Cathy, was kissing your boy?" Amy said, summing up the account Kate had just given. Kate's stomach twisted, "He... He's not my boy," she said quietly. He probably thinks I'm stupid, she thought demurely, God knows what I'm going to have to do to prove that I have even an ounce of wit-

"You know what she means," Emily said gently, "Just like Brandon is Cathy's boy. Well, was."

"I think he still is," Amy interjected, "I mean Harry is absolutely beautiful and Cathy sure knew that, but she only kissed him to make up for all the attention Brandon was giving you, Kate."

"I know," Kate replied uncomfortably, "but how could she do that to me? It hurt me more than anything, and now I've basically ruined everything with Harry and-"

"So you do like him like him," Amy said triumphantly.

Kate felt her cheeks redden, "I..uh...," Darn it she thought, realising she had said a little too much.

"Well I knew," Emily interjected, "You basically told me yesterday, Kate, and God Amy, you would have to be dense not to notice how she looks at him."

"I know, I know, but just to hear that much affection when she says his name," Amy sighed, "It's so adorable."

"Yeah, the way her voice trembles slightly on the 'a'," Emily grinned.

"Ha-a-rry," Amy giggled as she tried to imitate Kate's voice. Kate groaned, "Haha. You're just too funny," she said, her voice a monotone.

"Alright, alright," Amy said between guffaws, "I'm stopping- now."

Kate couldn't restrain her smile as she watched her friend trying to compose herself but failing miserably.

"Come on, you," she said with a grin, her heavy heart momentarily lightening, "Lunch is nearly over, and we need to find Cathy."

Just as she spoke those words the bell rang, a shrill sound, which made her heart flutter with apprehension. Only three more classes...just two hours... Merely one hundred and twenty minutes... until she would meet Harry.

Boys with Blue eyesWhere stories live. Discover now