Chapter Seven

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Emily dropped Kate back to Lisdon as the school bell rang. Kate groaned as she watched hoards of students filter out through the many exits. Amy threw her a sympathetic smile. "The time will fly by," She said encouragingly. "Well I hope it crawls," Cathy added teasingly. She winked at her friend, yet Kate knew that there was some truth behind her words- Cathy's green eyes were even darker with jealousy.

"Okay, well, I'm off to hell, so bye!" Kate laughed pathetically as she shut the car door. The convertible pulled away after a wave from her friends, leaving her stranded in the deserted school parking lot. She sighed. Well, here goes nothing. She strode confidently into the school building, making mental notes about how to deal with Harry. Calm but firm, she decided. She couldn't lose her head over someone as pathetic as Harry Miller.

She shivered as she wandered through the abandoned building. It was strange, eerie even- papers splayed out on the floor, a locker door left lying  open, a couple of lunch boxes here and there- the place seemed as if it were frozen in time. Kate wondered if it was weird that she thought like this. Then again, it is the first time I've been here after hours. She hated having her clean record smudged because of detention. She felt her anger rising at Harry.

He glanced up at her from his novel as she entered the detention centre. She groaned inwardly. Mr. O'Toole hadn't arrived yet.

"Its funny isn't it? How Mr. T is so obsessed with pupils keeping to the rules, yet he is so intent on breaking them himself? I mean he is 5 minutes late. Two naughty students cannot be left in a classroom alone."

Kate ignored his comment as she sat down at her desk. It was a pity there were only two in the room, so she had no choice but to sit next to Harry. She stared at the whiteboard, intent on ignoring his presence- Kate intended on keeping her cool for the next hour. She felt his gaze on her face, and felt immediately uncomfortable. He knows I hate people staring at me, she thought irritably.

"Look, I know we have gotten off on the wrong foot, but we can't just ignore one another. We aren't in Kindergarten anymore, Katie."

She flinched when he said her nickname. "Don't call me that," she muttered through gritted teeth.

She pretended not to notice the hurt look on his face. He has no reason be hurt. What have I done to him?

"Fine," He said quietly, "I get it," he turned his head to look at the spring scene out the window.

Kate felt like the weak, sympathetic, snivelling girl, but she reluctantly called for Harry's attention. "Look," she said slowly after a deep breath, " You must understand why I'm mad at you." He took his time responding. She was about to scream in frustration, but he finally turned his head to look at her. Their eyes locked, two pairs of blue eyes meeting.

"Yeah," He said, gazing at her sadly.

"And you must know that we," she pointed at them both in turn, "can never be as we were. Not until you tell me why you left."

He leaned his seat closer to hers, his eyes earnest, "But Kate, we can't be as we were, at least, I don't want-"

She leaned closer, desperate to hear what he had to say. Looking into his piercing eyes, she almost felt like she had gone back in time, a time when everything was-

"Hey beautiful," Brandon was standing behind her chair. She groaned inwardly. What was Harry going to say? She needed to know. She threw Harry an expression that read "Sorry," before plastering a smile on her face to greet Brandon. She noticed he had changed his shirt from earlier, and his golden hair held an effortless, wind swept quality. He looked good. "Uh, hey Brad, what are you doing here?"

She now regretted wishing not to be alone with Harry. "Well," he said smiling deviously, "someone got busted for skipping class." She looked at him sceptically. "Is that right?"

He grinned, "Well, let's just say there were other motives at hand," he nudged her playfully, "I wanted to see you, Katie."

Harry had been staring at Brandon during the entire exchange, but he stiffened at the sound of Kate's nickname. "Oh," Brandon said looking at Harry as if he had only noticed his presence, "and who's your detention buddy?" Kate smiled at Harry, but he did not return it. "This is-" she began to say. "Harry," he cut in, not losing eye contact with Brandon, "as you already know, science buddy," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

Brandon broke the eye contact and scratched the back of his neck. "Oh Yeah, before I forget, I won't be in for the project, so you'll have to survive on your own. Sorry," he smiled at Harry as if he was congratulating him on a football win. Kate looked at the both of them in turn, obvious confusion written on her face.

"Okay, so, you didn't spot Mr.T on your way here?" She asked Brandon, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Oh yeah, he told me he'd be right here in about five minutes."

She smiled as he grabbed a chair from the back of the classroom and pulled it up next to her seat. "Funny, this feels more like a date than detention," Brandon said flirtatiously as he leaned his elbow on her desk. Kate smiled politely, wondering frantically were the conversation would lead. She could see Harry's fists clench, brows furrow and he looked as though he was about to say something, but at the last minute thought better of it and forced himself to look out the window instead.

Kate wished he would intervene- guilt was pouring over her like a waterfall. Cathy kept springing to mind, and she did not know how to tell Brandon to lay off. "Um, Brad, I think I should tell you that my f-"

"Well, well, fancy seeing you here Brandon," a snide voice said from the door. Another interruption. Kate felt exasperated. She turned to face the pink heels, large sunglasses and mop of honey-blond waves that was Jessica Westwick. "Hey Jessie," Brad replied in the same tone without looking up from Kate. "Oh save it," she said as she walked across the wooden floor, heels clicking.

She came to Harry's desk, "hello gorgeous," she said, twirling a strand of her golden hair around her finger, "I had no idea that you'd be here," Kate felt like she was about to throw up. Harry glanced at Kate before looking at Jessica. "Uh hi, Jess," he replied politely. Jess? Kate thought, When did that happen?

"Oh, look" Jess was saying in exaggerated horror, "there's no chair for me! I'd better sit on your lap then."

Harry looked as though he was about to object, but he glanced Brandon leaning in to whisper something in Kate's ear. "Uh, okay Jess," he said rather loudly. Jess giggled, "Okay!" she said in the same loud manner as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

Kate could not believe what she was seeing. Jessica? seriously? Jessica? Harry knew what Jessica was. She had single handedly ruined his entire Grade-school experience. Did he not remember the name calling and ridicule? Had he forgotten the pages of revenge strategies they had concocted together? Kate felt her cheeks burn. How could he do this to her?

Hi guys! Thank you for reading this far, even if the story is only beginning!! :) What do you think? Please comment if you'd like! :D

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