Chapter Fifteen

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Kate groaned as she entered the school building. Everyone seemed so... awake. She trudged over to her locker like a zombie and reflexively checked her watch. Seven fifty. How the heck was she not late? Emily truly was an amazing and overly-organised person- Although she really would have been grateful for ten more minutes of sleep. Well, I guess that is what Math class is there for, she thought as she punched in her locker combination. 15-07-1996. Harry's birthday. Three years back the two of them had decided to make their combinations one other's birth dates so they would never forget them. It had made perfect sense at the time- How could you forget your best friends birthday?

Now however it served as a constant reminder that Kate's love was unrequited. How romantically tragic. Her vision misted as she stuffed her school bag into her locker a little more aggressively than usual.

"Wow, tiger," Ryan's voice said beside her. Yesterday the sight of Ryan would have lifted Kate's spirits, but today her dark locks were yet another reminder of Harry.

"Hey," Kate sniffed.

"What's wrong?" Ryan asked, her features full of concern. She obviously was oblivious to the whole Brandon episode.

"Nothing," she replied, eyeing the tall, brunette boy standing behind her friend.

Ryan crossed her arms and threw Kate a pointed look.


"Fine. You got me. How about I explain later?" Kate said, gesturing to the mysterious boy.

"Oh, sorry, this is Jack, we met last night, he's new to the school, and, uh-" she blushed as Jack placed his arm around her.

"What she means to say," he interrupted, "Is that I'm her boyfriend."

Kate forced her lips to spread into a smile. "Wow, that's, that's wonderful, guys!"

The couple in front of her smiled and blushed. Kate noticed how Jack's jade eyes lit up when Ryan laughed. He gave her that look of pure adoration that Kate recognised only from Disney movies. He was perfect for her friend- It was evident Jack was the one for Ryan. Kate was happy for her friend, however, just looking at them together made her feel a terrible sense of loneliness. She was sick of being reminded of what she couldn't have.

"Can we talk?" Brandon appeared from behind her.

"I'll leave you two," Ryan winked as she and Jack began to walk away hand in hand.

"No! Wait..." Kate protested in vain as the couple left the locker area. Brandon was the last person Kate wanted to see, never mind converse with.

"Anyway, I, uh, just wanted to know if things were cool between us?" he smoothed back his perfectly quaffed hair. Kate felt like slapping him straight across his beautiful face. Instead, she gritted her teeth.

"Brandon, I would just leave me alone."

"Hey, Katy, look I was drunk..." he replied in a whiny voice.

"No, Brandon, You were a drunk ass, and God knows what would've happened if-"

He shook his head, "Katy, you know you want me..."

"No, Brandon, you hurt me! I have actual marks on my arms! So leave me alone."

She slammed her locker door shut and turned to walk away, when Brandon grabbed her by the arms. His tone was menacing.

"Your not listening babe, I said-"

"Hey, She said leave her alone, douche," Oh no. It was a very agitated looking Harry. She suddenly had a very strong case of déjà-vu.

Brandon thrust Kate aside, her back slamming into the lockers.

"What did you just say to me?" Brandon had Harry cornered. He was even more menacing when sober- more in control of his large, muscular body, and ready to inflict pain.

Harry stood his ground. "I said, Leave. Her. Alone." Brandon smirked, glancing at the small crowd that was gathering around them, "Make me."

Harry's face contorted with anger, "Believe me," he said icily, "I have no problem with that."

Brandon raised his fist and smacked Harry in the jaw.

Harry reeled back, wincing in pain.

"Payback," Brandon spat, "You stupid son-of-a-"

Before he could finish, he was forcefully pinned against the lockers by Harry. Brandon struggled against Harry's strong arm that was holding him up.

"You punch me again, you will pay for it, you touch her again?" Harry turned Brandon's face to look at Kate, "I will end you."

Harry let Brandon go and watched as he slid down the locker and onto the floor. He scrambled to his feet and pushed his way through the stunned crowd of onlookers.

Kate had watched the whole encounter with an open mouth. Dammit, she thought agitatedly, He saved me twice- now I owe him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked her, his perfectly symmetrical features full of concern, "If he ever touches you again, just-"

"I could've handled him myself, you know," she said indignantly, shouldering her bag, "I don't need a prince to come and be my saviour."

Harry looked stunned, "Uh, well, you're welcome."

"What do you want me to say, Harry?"

"Maybe a polite Thank you would suffice." He replied as he followed her down the hall.

Kate's anger from last night bubbled to the surface. "Thankyou for what, Harry? For making out with Jessica of all people when you were the one who asked me to meet you outside? Don't even think for a second  that getting a hit on your perfect little face will ever make up for that." She looked at Harry, waiting for his reaction.

She only found confusion on his features.

"Jessica? Really? Who told you thatYour little friend C-"

Kate looked at him incredulously. She interrupted him mid-sentence, "I saw you! How could you lie to me as well? Haven't you done enough?" Her chest felt like it was on fire, tears threatening to spill out onto her burning cheeks.

"Kate, wait, you've got it wrong, your f-" He chased after her as she turned away from him and began to speed down the hallway.

She stopped abruptly and turned to face him for a last time. "Fine. Don't admit it. I will just have to ask your precious Jessica what she thinks."

And with that, she stormed off to her first class.

[A/N] Hiiiii Guys!!! ❤ Just wanted to say THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR 978 READS!!!! :D That is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! ❤ *Internet hug* xoxoxo

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