Chapter Sixteen (1.2K Reads)

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Hey Guys! <3 I just first of all want to say I AM SOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE OVER A MONTH, and also I apologise profusely, but I am not going to be updating at all as frequently as I had been doing over the summer. As Ms. Darbus once said, "Summer is over, people, WAY OVER!" and this year is a huge exam one for me, so I AM SORRY OKAY? OKAY.

On a brighter note, THANK YOU ALL YOU AMAZING PEOPLE who have gotten this story past 1K reads... This literally means the world, and please keep up your fabulous support. You guys are wonderful! \(<3.<3)/ <3 

As Kate sat in math class, staring blankly at the linear equations adorning the whiteboard, her head and her heart were in conflict. 

Harry DID save me twice- that has to count for something, right?

No! I am a strong, independent woman- I don't need Harry Miller to come to my rescue, do I?



He looked so good in that blue shirt.

Wait, WHAT?

Kate held her head in her hands. The day had finally come: She was losing it. 


Her head shot up. Ms. Murray had called on her.

"Yes miss?"

Her teacher sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"Kate," She said slowly, "I was the one who asked you the question. Now tell me, what did I just say about the coefficients of 'x'?"

Kate blinked, "Uh..."

Think, Kate, think! I hope Harry's face is okay... It looked like it might bruise... Why did I not check if he was alright? I am a horrible human being. Kate! Math! You are supposed to be thinking about math!

Ms. Murray was tapping her desk impatiently, her long talon-like nails making a 'click, click' noise against the slick wooden desk. 

"Well?" She asked, exasperatedly. Kate sighed in defeat, "I.. I'm sorry Miss, I was.." Harry. "Um..." Harry. "... Distracted." She winced in apprehension of her teachers reaction. Jessica snickered from a few desks back. Kate breathed deeply, resisting the sudden urge to throttle the girl. Just you wait until the end of class you little...

Ms. Murray's shrill voice interrupted her dark thoughts. "-I am sick and tired of teaching this class the same thing over and over, and none of it is sinking in! How many times have we studied linear equations? My four year old son at home could probably get better grades than some you in these upcoming exams! Can you all just focus for once in your lives!"

Oops, Kate thought as she slid lower in her seat to avoid her classmate's gaze. She really hadn't  meant to give her teacher a nervous breakdown in the middle of class. She glared at Jessica. This was all her fault. If it hadn't been for her, everything in Kate's life would be absolutely fine. She wouldn't be angry at Harry, she wouldn't be flunking math, maybe her cat that ran away in sixth grade would have come home... Okay, maybe she was getting carried away. However that did not make up for what  Jessica did, and why Harry lied about it. She had to find out the truth.

After what felt like hours, the bell finally rang and the students poured out of the classroom. Kate grabbed her pile of books and rushed out to catch up with Jessica. The queen bee was chatting with her two cronies, May and Kelsey, and to Kate, seemed to be walking at one hundred miles per hour. "Hey! Jessica, wait!" Kate called. Jessica turned slowly and dramtically to face a stunned Kate. She hadn't actually expected the Jessica to stop. "What, peasant?" She asked, looking at Kate as though she was something disgusting she found on the sole of her stilletto. Kate gulped. She had known exactly what she was going to say a few minutes ago, and now? Poof. Not a single sentence came to mind. All of her anger and hate- vanished. She glanced at May and Kelsey who were staring at her on either side of Jessica. 

"Uh..." Kate said, "Could I talk to you... alone?" Jessica scoffed, but suprisngly indicated for her two friends to leave. "Catch you later, hun," Kelsey said as she turned and walked away, following May who had given Kate a dirty look. Once they were a few feet away Jessica looked at her expectantly. "Well?" She prompted, "What do you want? Your wasting my time here."

Kate gulped. What am I going to say? Then Harry sprang to mind. An image of his lips on Jessica's conjured in her head. Everything came flooding back in an instance. The urge to throttle Jessica in class, the party, the fountain, the fight... She decided to just come out with it. Keeping her voice as level as possible she asked, "Did you kiss Harry at Brad's party last night?"

Jessica looked at her incredulously. "Excuse me? Who the hell told you that?" Kate could not believe what she was hearing. "Can you please just be honest for once? I freaking saw you last night! At the fountain? Why are you both lying to me?" Tears pricked at her eyes. She was sick of not being given a straight answer. 

"Fountain?" Again, Jessica was staring at her like she had grown another head. "Look, bitch, before you burst, I don't even like your precious Harry."

Kate was incedulous. "Now I know your lying. If you 'don't like him' then why did you flirt with him in detention? Give him a ride home and-"

Jessica held up her perfectly manicured hand. "Look, Harry is gorgeous and all that, but he is so obviously into you that nobody else has a fricken chance. And I only flirted with him to..."

"To what?" Kate asked sharply.

Jessica looked at the ground. "To make Brandon jealous. But it didn't work, obviously. Suprise, suprise he's into you as well. Its like the rise of the nerds or something."

Kate looked at Jessica, shocked. This is what this has been all about? Brandon? "So, what about the party? How do you explain that?"

"I wasn't even at Brandon's stupid party. I mean, come on, I am not the lame ex girlfriend that keeps showing up and party-crashing. I'm not desperate like some people and I... I'm totally over him."

Kate gave her a pointed look. Jessica sighed, "Okay, I'm not. And I hate it. I mean I know is a douche, and he broke up with me to go out with Linda Creighton," She said the girl's name with distaste, "And then he wanted you for a while there... but I can't get over him. He was... the one." She sobbed dramatically into her sleeve. Kate was relieved and shocked and pityful all at the same time. She knew that Jessica was telling the truth, and she actually felt bad for her. She felt like she needed to console her... they did  have something in common. Kate awkwardly patted her arm, "It's okay," She said soothingly, "You are Jessica Westwick for crying out loud. Guys are falling at your feet! You'll get over him, don't worry."

"Thanks," Jessica said, "I don't know why you are being so nice to me, but thanks." Kate smiled, "Let's just say I know how you feel."

She nodded, then wiped her eyes carefully and fixed her jacket. "Look, I hope things work out between you and Harry."

Kate gave her a sad smile, "Thanks, so do I," She coughed, "Well I better go..."

"Oh, yeah, same..." Jessica replied. She sighed, "Look, don't repeat any of this to anyone- a girl's reputation is all she has in highschool," she tried to laugh, " So I will have to find you- and probably kill you."

Kate laughed, "I know, so in a few seconds we go back to hating eachother?"

"Well, I wouldn't say hating..."

"Okay, well, see you round, snob!"

Jessica had regained her queen-bee persona, "Whatever, peasant."

And they both turned around and walked in opposite directions, stupid smiles etched on their faces in spite of themselves. 


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