♧Treehouse♧ | Fluff

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I walked down the trail with Adi in hand, we alkyd about our day and how school was going. We had to catch up on eachother since we haven't seen one another in a couple of days.

We made a treehouse for only the two of us. We'd go there to talk and hang out when we wanted to be alone.
We walked down the familiar path until we came across the tree wih the wooden room above.

We climbed up the ladder and crawled into the wooden box, we put some decorations and some furniture in it, and we covered the roof with wax to make it rain proof. We would hang out in it for hours a day! Maybe even sleep the night in it. It was like we actually lived in it. Although it wasn't really livable, we just spent a lot of time in it.

We sat on the small "couch" and cuddled a bit, we talked about how his youtube career is going and how I'm studying, w/y/s. (what you're studying)

We would stare into each other's eyes until one of us would break the silence. And we would kiss eachother just to make them blush.

All of it was just a little perfect when we were like this, comfortable what other eachother and not afraid to do silly things.

We loved eachother and that's all that matters.

"Adi, I love you"

"I love you too, Y/N"

Hey its me! Hope you enjoyed this quickie :)

Cute and sweet.

No smut today.

But I'm working on a lot of books! Im excited to finish them and post them!! I'm pretty proud of them so far!!


My instagram is @alorabuffalo
If you wanna follow me ;) I post everyday! Fresh content!!

Anyway I'm tired so I'm going to bed! Good night peeps!

Follower of the chapter is..


Idk if I tagged you already but I'm doing it now :)

Stay street :)


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