4 - FLASHBACK (Part 2)

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“We are in the hospital right now, come here quickly. Carlo wasn’t able to get up this morning and he has a high fever. But then in the afternoon, he started vomiting with blood so we rushed him in here.” She is sobbing.

“Mama, please calm down”, I don’t know what to say, she is a physician and if she is sobbing then it means that my brother is in a condition unknown to her.

“Which hospital?”, I asked.

“St. Luke’s Hospital.”


I saw my mother talking to Dr. Vernon and both of them looks bemused. I stood there while waiting for mama when papa called my name from behind.

“Where is he?” I asked.


“How’s he?”

“We honestly don’t know. We thought he was food poisoned but his entire test came out normal. They did the test again to get more accurate result. Go to your brother, I’ll just get coffee. Do you want one?” papa said disoriented.

I shook my head and he left.

I opened the door and walked towards him to see how ill he was. His normal tan skin is replaced with a very pale one, paler than me. He is thinner which is strange because he just got sick this morning so maybe there is a reason for mama to get worried.

To see Carlo was the gist of my mind that I completely ignored the girl who sat in the chair beside him, but I don’t think my brother has a girlfriend now; if he has he would tell me.

Then who is she?

I turned my gaze to the girl in the chair and I froze, coldness running through my spine.

She has curly flaming red hair, and is wearing a red halter dress.

My body wanted to shut down but it won’t. We stared at each other; she’s smiling at me charmingly without showing her sharp bloody icy white teeth. She looked spine-chillingly divine.

“Did you do this to him?” I whispered and she smug.

“You don’t want her” I asserted.

The only thing I can think of is to get her as far away from my brother as possible. Try to talk to this little prick and convince her to stop whatever she was doing to him. I am mad, horrified, and panicky all at the same time.

“Come with me” I commanded as I walk out of the room.

I walked down the street absent-mindedly, not knowing where I’d be headed to. A few more minutes of walking and I got tired, I turned around and I could still see the red-haired girl following behind me. I need to rest but I need to stay somewhere only a few people would be because I don’t know what this entity is capable of doing.

I found a coffee shop and saw that there were only a few people inside. I came in and a staff greeted me with an enthusiastic smile as if he was really glad to see me but suddenly he frowned.

That’s weird, yet still not as weird as this red-haired one.

I sat on the left corner table and the red-haired girl sat across me. She stared at me frowning.

“Why are you frowning?”, I whispered as this is the first time she isn’t smiling or smugging.

She didn’t answer so I asked another one.

BEYOND INFERNAL: The Divine Soldiers of The Living and The DeadWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt