17 - Nightmare

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The last time I saw Ram was when he walked out of my door and it has been days since that happened. Sariel told me that Michael sent him back to Earth and continued his standard mission which was to look after it.

There was really not that much to do around here in Diucaelu so for the past couple of weeks, I found myself secretly trying Raguel’s craft of alchemy but I didn’t do it exactly as he did it. His craft was all about different kinds of liquids, mostly drinks to control someone’s emotions and thoughts however I wandered if I could do the opposite and started experimenting with the dust from flowers.

On day 3 of my experimentation, I created a transformation dust which came handy for my further study of magic.  Every day I would roam around the meadows of Diucaelu trying to collect new flowers which I hid on my duffel bag.

No one had caught me yet and I was so relief that they weren’t really closely watching me, probably because they were complacent because they knew that whatever threat I had with me would repel here.

I just finished wandering on one of the gardens and I was on my way back to my room when I bumped into Michael.

“Oh. There you are!”, he said and he sounded relieved.

“Looking for me?”, I asked with a big fake trying-to-be-innocent-as-possible smile.

“Yes. Where were you?”, he asked and I had this feeling that he thought that maybe I ran off back to Earth.

I wanted to raise an eyebrow at him, they were really treating me like a prisoner now, don’t they? But no, I suppressed my irritation and faked a smile. The last thing I would want was for them to get suspicious.

“I just strolled outside, you know – just to breath clean fresh air. Try to move on.. you know.. Just the usual things girls do to cope up with a break up.” I blurted out trying to sound nonchalant about it.

He winced in discomfort upon what I said. Ha! Even if he was an archangel he wasn’t an exemption, men couldn’t take too much of women’s drama.

“I’m glad you’re not brooding about him anymore.” He commented.

Or maybe you’re glad because you saved your conscience from thwarting my relationship with Ram yourself because I voluntarily did it. Phoney., “Yes. Thanks. I’m going back to my room now. Bye.”, I said.

“Wait! What do you have in there?” he asked while he was eyeing my duffel bag.

“Uh. Nothing. Just girly stuffs.”, I shrugged.

“You won’t mind if I take a look at it?”, he asked.

Ahh. He really didn’t trust me, always dubious even if I wasn’t doing anything strange – or so they thought and so what I tried to do best.

“I don’t mind.”, I said as I opened my bag and held it closer to him.

He stared at it and his face flushed. Yes that’s right, get embarrassed about it Michael.

I kept my poker face though I really wanted to laugh now.

“Uh.. underwear.. why do you bring that with you?” He stammered as he looked away from it.

“Well, I thought maybe there were times that you guys might clean up the room or have it rearranged or something , and I didn’t want you to see them of course. So I just thought I should just carry it around, after all it wasn’t heavy.”, I said calmly while I hid my laughter.

“Go along, I wouldn’t want to hold you up any longer.” He still tried to avoid eye contact.

I nodded, smiled and walked away.

BEYOND INFERNAL: The Divine Soldiers of The Living and The DeadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ