18 - Turning Away

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I run back to Arcus, anger building up within me.

Why did I see Elena and George's souls walking around here!? This was the land of the souls waiting for their judgment and just a while ago I asked them how my parents were, and they said they were fine.

Was that what they meant by they were fine? That they were dead and safe here in the purgatory!? What happened to their promise that they'd keep them safe for me!? 

I felt a sudden rush of water streaming down from my eyes. Sariel was on the big silver door and I think he knew why I was very very upset.

"Maudrilua... Wait..."

"STEP ASIDE SARIEL.", I blurted out and I pushed him away from blocking the door.

It opened and Raguel was there handing me a vial. I shoved it away and it fell down the floor. The vial broke and from a far, the rest of them were looking at me.

It looked like they were talking about something. I stood there staring furiously at them.

"How are my parents?"

"They're not your parents.", Michael answered calmly.

"Well then.. How are ELENA and GEORGE!?" I asked but no one answered.


"Maudrilua! Remember where you are! This is a sacred place, do not---", I cut Michael off.

"I DON'T F*CKING CARE! How are they!?"

My body continued to tense up every second that passed by that no one answered until...

"They're dead....", Ram said remorsefully.

I felt like I was stomp by a group of marching elephants. I felt so weak that my body collapsed because my worst nightmare came into life.

I spent the past four years distancing myself to them because they worried too much about how I was. I never let them within my walls because I was afraid that the Inkholisos that were after me might hurt them just as what one did to my brother before. I chose that they completely forget everything about me because I didn’t want them to mourn and get depressed if they were told that I died.

I didn't wanna trouble them; I didn't wanna cause them any pain.

I only wanted them to be safe, happy and live a normal life.

These so called archangels promised me that they'd watch over them. They assured me that they will be safe. They told me they were fine.

I felt an arm around me and when I looked up - it was Ram.

BEYOND INFERNAL: The Divine Soldiers of The Living and The DeadWhere stories live. Discover now