8 - A Little Light (Part 2)

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He tugged me back to the sofa probably because this would be a story-telling moment. We sat down and I turned to face him, my eyes wide open showing him how eager I was to listen to him. I felt that this would give me more insight of what’s really happening to me.

Then he began to talk…

“Have you heard of the story of Adam and Eve?” he said.

“Of course”, I rolled my eyes in exasperation, who wouldn’t know that right?

He continued without reacting to my child-like impatience.

“So you know the tree of knowledge, the apple and the serpent?”, he asked me again and I got a little more impatient with all his question, why can’t he just go on with the story. I sighed.

“Yes! The fruit of knowledge of good and evil, and Satan the serpent.” I replied grumpily.

Then he smirked as if it was just what he was expecting to hear. “Not exactly.”

“It wasn’t Satan… That serpent was an Inkholiso. Inkholiso were neither wicked nor pure before, they lived peacefully on the other dimension of the Earth, wanting to please God and hoping that someday they would be with him beside his throne just like the angels.

But when God created Adam and Eve, they envied that man is God’s most precious creation so the serpent persuaded them to eat the fruit of knowledge knowing that by doing so God would get mad and annihilate them.

But that didn’t happen right? They were just exiled.

God was mad that they got deceived but he has no choice but to banish them for the Paradiso was for the pure hearted only. God love them too much to let them go and be harmed, and so he sent his angels to guide them.

Then Adam and Eve had offsprings, Cain, Abel and Seth.

Cain killed Abel marking the first killing in the mankind’s history. But what wasn’t told was that Cain killed Abel because he was deceived by another inkholiso.  The angels looking upon them saw everything that happened but they weren’t able to stop it because they can't kill - it is against their will.

When God learned what happened, he ordered for the inkholiso to face judgment day. There were those who didn't deserve it, but the order was for the whole race.

 They faced judgment and punished to live in hell, with Lucifer. But some inkholiso were able to escape so God decided to have someone to guard the gates of hell. 

 In mythology, it was the three-headed hound Cerberus... But the truth is, it was the three good-hearted inkholiso, Cerestine, Bernadine and Rusafine. Man chose to hide this truth, as it would be a stain to the horror of hell if it were to be revealed that three women guarded the gates of hell. 

But it wasn't enough that the gates were guarded because a lot of wicked inkholiso had already escaped. So God summoned his eight elder angels and behest them to fecundate a human and conceive a ‘half-human, half angel’ child."

"But that was against their purity too right?" I cut him off with my eyes wide open in shock. Shock that angels have those earthly desires too.

"No no no! It didn't work that way" he was quick to defend then he continued.

"It was a heart's desire that made the human bear a half angel son. When the elder angel found the woman who purely loves him, that's when she conceived the child in her womb. The women accepted it without a fret, as it was a great honor for them to serve God by conceiving the Archangels that will protect the mankind.

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