14 - Revelation

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I followed Ram as he walked inside the church’s museum, he was obviously distraught and it made me anxious.

We reached one door and it was the same place where we first met. The medieval dungeon-like room with statues inside the glass were aligned perfectly making a pathway to a big brown door.

I didn’t noticed it the first time I saw it but now I could see that there were carvings on the door and it seemed abstract to me.

I watched Ram as he transformed to his archangel self, wearing his big ivory wings and herculean armor suit. He took out his big lightning bolt shaped sword and followed a certain carvings on it and it glowed. The carvings that were glowing formed into three interlocking identical shape that created a distinctive three cornered pattern – a triquetra.

The big door opened and all I saw inside was bright blinding light and nothing else. Ram extended his hand to me as he gave me a weak assuring smile and for some reason I took a step back.

“I’m not going in there.”, I blurted out and I saw how horrified Ram was. I understood his reaction; I myself couldn’t believe that I said those words.

“You don’t trust me, do you?”, he asked in his broken tone.

I shook my head in response and said, “Not if you don’t give me any answers.”

“We’ll answer everything we could once we get there.”, he replied.

“I’m not going in there,”, I said as I felt my knees trembling in fright. These bright lights horrified me in my dreams and whenever there was this light, something bothering happens.

“Althea, please..”, he pleaded and he hadn’t put down his extended hand to me.

“No, Ram. I won’t go through any portal without knowing anything. I don’t know what to expect, I don’t know what will happen... What if I don’t make it through that door? I mean I’m not an archangel or a dead soul, how could I make it to the purgatory when I’m a living human being – I’m neither dead nor dying Ram!”

“You aren’t..”, Ram whispered half-heartedly.

“What? What do you mean I’m not? I’m not alive?! That’s absurd Ram!”, and I can’t stifle a laugh – not because I found it amusing but because I was mistaken when I thought that I’d already encountered the most bizarre ideas.

“You’re alive, but you’re not human – not entirely human.”, he continued half-heartedly as if he didn’t want to say it to me.

“You really are the child of the moon. You aren’t Althea, you are Maudrilua – the only child of the blue moon.”

I was stunned and every single part of my body was ice cold. I knew Ram was telling the truth but I was still stubborn to convince myself that it wasn’t true.

“How… how was that even possible? I have a mother and a father. I was conceived and born the same way as all of the people on Earth. I can’t be the child of the blue moon. That’s absurd.” I tried to argue hoping that debating with him will make him realize how impossible it was – but I knew there were zero chances that he was wrong. I knew it; I just didn’t know how to accept it yet.

“I don’t have all the answers Thea, that’s why I need to bring you to Michael. I could go by myself and ask him but I told you I’m not letting you out of my sight – never again.”, he insisted and I had no choice but to come with him.

There were a lot of questions that remained unanswered and now I got one answer plus more questions.

Ram held my hand and squeezed it gently making me a bit relax, he stepped into the bright door first then I followed.

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