10 - Ramiel

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"128 BC was the year I was born in a small town in Greece, Pandosia. I really couldn’t remember that much now. All I know was that my mother, Eumelia, was a lovely and serene woman. Whenever she spoke to me, it’s like she was singing me a lullaby. Her voice was the only clear memory I had of her.

“I lived with my biological mother until I was 19, one day I saw the blinding light leading to Diucaelu- the purgatory as you know it. They showed me the purpose of my existence and I accepted it without incertitude then I was reunited with my father.” He continued to give me a sight of himself.

He let out another big sigh before he continued.

 “I grew up without my father but she would always tell me how good he was and how he loved us, and that someday I will understand why he can't stay with us. One night befor we slept she told me that the time had come for me to meet him, she told me how much she loved me and that she'd be proud of what I'd become."

"It was the last night that I heard her melodic voice. I woke up and saw the sky was clear blue and the sun basked my face with its yellow rays of glory. Butterflies flew everywhere and they were dancing to an angelic song. I sat up and realized that I was in a meadow with dotted petite red daisies and tall leafy trees that lined up circling the place. That's when I realized that I lied on a marble stoned table and there stood in circle around me were fourteen men. Eight of them wore white flowy clothes and they glowed divinely, the other six were wearing an armor suit – they were the eight elder angels and the first six archangels."

I saw Ram smiled serenely while telling his story but I have to cut him off because I noticed something.

"Ram... You sure about the place where you woke up?” I asked quizzically. He nodded in response and he was waiting for me to answer his unspoken question.

"It's just that, after I met you I had this dream. A place. A meadow. Exactly like what you are describing to me now. Exactly how you saw it but instead of 14 men, there were seven. Seven of you standing around.. around..", I choked in nervousness. It's kind of weird but maybe it isn't the same, just a coincidence. Generally, meadows looked like that right.

I shook my head. This time wasn't about me, I wanted to know Ram.

"Never mind.. go on.. and then?", I smiled trying to suppress his curiosity.

He stared at me for a few more second and when I established the fact that I'm not gonna spit it out, he continued his story.

"They told me everything I know now and who I was destined to be. Everything that my mother kept telling me began to make sense. I was also reunited with my father. The Archangels told me about our mission and how to fight. One day while we were sleeping, I saw a blinding light. At first I panicked as I learned that I was the only one who saw it - but I heard a voice, Michael told me not to be afraid as it was God's sign that I was ready to be one of them - I was being baptized. I felt my wings sprouted out of my back and in a quick moment, I can feel the big wings at my back. I flew near the river to look at my reflection and I saw my big ivory wings, it was glorious."

"It was your happy place...", I whispered. it was his true happiness because I felt it in the way he spoke of it and the way he looked. I have the same aura whenever he's around, because as of now he is my safe place.

"You think?" he replied and there was pain in his eyes. 

I wasn't able to ask why although I really wanted too. I decided not to push him to tell me things he wasn't ready to share with me.

“Since then, it has been an endless hunt for the Inkholisos. We hunted, we killed and then we hunted some more. We decided to not stop unless we were able to diminish all the evil kinds from mankind. I didn’t know how long it has been since I was baptized because I was so focus on the mission God bestowed upon me and I wasn’t able to look after my mother.”

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