Deadlox X Reader Part II

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After (y/n)'s sudden shout of identification, Ty seemed to shrink away and hid under the blankets untill (y/n) convinced him she was not going to hurt him, he actually began telling (y/n) a little bit of what happened. "I-I was attacked by a flying mob..." Ty said with a shudder at the memory, "h-h-he had a large, irregular shape... like a dragon... and i-it swooped down, and I tried to protect Sky, I really did!" Ty was crying now, and (y/n) felt bad about forcing him to relive such a terrible memory. Nonetheless, he plowed on, in hurry to end it. "I-I ran in front of him, with my iron sword, and he laughed, swiped me aside and I felt myslft crashing over something hard [the Dumpster!] and the last thing I saw was it flying away... with Sky in his claws, blood dripping all the way. Then the next thing I knew was that I was suffocating inside something. And then you came." A pause. "Thank you for saving me, by the way," Ty said quietly, before falling over on the bed and falling asleep. (y/n) Stayed with him the rest of the night, and when she got too drowsy, laid down on the couch nearby and dozed off.

~~~ Time Skip To Morning ~~~

(y/n) got up and stretched, reliving her neck of the cramps and muscles that tightened sleeping in a hunched position. She looked over to see Ty sitting up in bed, with an amused look on his face, his crimson eyes staring at her with such kindness and gentleness that (y/n) could not help but snap, "what are you looking at!"

All he does is smirk and say, "You look nice in your sleep. No frown". Then of course that draws a smile onto (y/n)'s face as she says, "Ok. Now that we've figured that out, would you like breakfast Mr. Sleepy?"

"Sure," Ty says leaning back and grinning as he adds," I could get used to this. Pampered and spoiled by a beautiful girl."

(y/n) turns away from him, her face already bright red as she hurries out of the room. It's the first time anyone has called her beautiful, and to get over the embarrassment (y/n) hurriedly goes to scrammble some eggs and pour milk in a bucket-cup. Delivering it upstairs, she stops and turns at the top step. "Do you really think I'm beautiful?" (y/n) asked softly.

"Yes," came the simple reply, and then he stuffs he mouth full of scrambled eggs to stop himself from saying more. (y/n) noticed a light pink dusting across his cheeks, and inwardly smiles. She sat down on the couch, watching as Ty devoured the eggs and realizes that it's his first real meal, probably since many days before. He finishes the eggs and gulp down some milk, before returning the bucket to (y/n). "Think you can walk? There's a bathroom right through that door," (y/n) says, pointing to a door eight blocks away from the bed. "I think I can manage..." Ty said quickly, then gets up, walks two and a half blocks and grabs his stomach. "Oh god..." He mumbles, before collapsing right there, semi-conscious. (y/n) rushes over dropping the tray and helping Ty up. He's weaker than I though, (y/n) thought deperatly, and guiding him back to the bed, she opens the bandages, heart dropping down her throat. The infection's worse, worse than it should be. Poison, (y/n) thought, I should have known! Scrambling up, she hurriedly pressed new bandages onto the would before rushing off. (y/n) knew who she needed to find, and pounded on the door of the famous sorcerer's house, desperately calling his name. Finally he came out, and growled, "What do you want! Do you have a pre-order of a potion, or a scheduled meeting?"

"No no no, it's... a long story." Quickly (y/n) told him about Ty. Seto paced nervously, now knowing that his friend's life was being threatened. "So what do you think we should do?!" (y/n) cried, panicked thoughts about leaving Ty home alone. "Calm down, (y/n). I think I know just what to do." Seto picked up a bottle of pink liquid, and gave it to (y/n). "Give this to him mixed with milk or something. He can't know that he's been poisoned; the poison will move faster through his system if he's panicking before it can take effect."

"Thank you so much Seto!" (y/n) almost sobbed with relief, believing the sorcerer, and accepting the Potion of Healing


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