Deadlox X Reader Part VIII

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Leaves rustling... wind lazily breezing, animals of the forest raise their head in greeting as a girl move swiftly and silently through the forest... leaving no trace of her being there.

(y/n) glided across the forest floor, her feet moving across the ground so quickly that her footsteps were light and delicate. Stupid, stupid, stupid! (y/n) thought. She should have known that Ty was going to cheat on her... but never in the way she thought. Ty was bi... and clearly he loved his youtuber companion more than a stray girl off the street. In fact, he was probably just using her, a source of food and water, and a vacation from his channel, something to ba made fun of! Running on and on, never tiring. She wanted to get as far away as possible from them, and living her own life.

Ty cursed and pulled on his shirt as he ran, chasing after the general direction (y/n) had fled. Passing a pile of fish, he remebered she was part ocelot. A peice of information from when he was in school popped up in his head: Ocelots can run for up to 200 miles without stopping, and never leaving a single trail behind them. Running at about 100/mph, it's almost impossible to catch up to one... Ty had to accept the fact she was probably gone forever, lost to him in this infinite world. He stopped and sank to his knees, letting, tears flow free. He knew he had no right to cry, and wiped tears off his face as he jogged back to find Sky.

Sky saw Ty appear in the clearing, hastily wiping his face of tears. "It's no use Sky... I will never find her again..." Sky saw the grief in his friend's eyes, and decided to reveal his secret. "Ty... remeber in the begining... when I didn't trust (y/n)? I decided to plant a tracker on her, and, umm, she still kind of has it..." Ty glared at him, and said, "What good will that be? She's too fast... The battery in the thing will run out before we find her." Sky sighed and explained," It uses the new technology... you know... acid batteries? The ones that can last for sixty years?" Ty perked up, and a slow, small grin climbed up his face. "Let's do dis."

(y/n) paused. She had run for a good fifty miles now, and she was not tired at all. Being part ocelot, she could run for a hundred and fifty miles without stopping. But she decided fifty miles was far enough, and anyways, she hadn't gone fifty miles in a straight line. She laid down to rest, certain that Ty and Sky won't find her and hurt her again.

Panting and crashing through the forest, the pair's eyes were glued to the GPS on Sky's amulet, and found out that she was only about ten miles away, and the pulsing light had stopped. "Why did she stop so early? She can probably run a little under 200 miles without stopping..." Sky and Ty continued to make their way through the forest, slowing down slightly to avoid detection. Ty whispered, "Well, she did kind of have hard job at the squid castle. I saw the door she was dragged out of was the "baby squid room", and whenever she got back you could hear her drinking lots of water. So I put two and two together..." Sky's eyes widened. "You don't think... they used... her milk?" "That's exactly what I think." They continued to stalk the forest, and finally they came to a small clearing. In the center of the clearing, (y/n) was curled up in a little ball, in such deep sleep that Ty could yell all he liked and not wake her up. "We'll have to take her back by force... she won't like it untill we explain. But before that, she might run so we have to keep her steady..."

(y/n) woke up to find herself in a brick house, the structure her own design. Looking around, she discover she was actually in her old house. She struggled to sit up on the couch, and realized she was tied to the couch itself. Panicking, she twisted around, and tried to free herself from the ropes. A black mass on the carpet moved, and Sky got up, yawning. "You're awake, finally!" Sky said happily. "I'll be right back, I need to get Ty." No, (y/n) thought, I need to get out of here! by rotating her body almost 360 degrees she managed to wriggle out of the ropes that bound her to the couch, but to her dismay there were more ropes around her body that weren't connected to the couch. Gracefully, she balanced on her back and moved towards the kitchen. She got there, and pulled herself up to the drawer to grab the shears there. Snip! She missed the rope, and cut her wrist a little. "Don't do that," Ty said, materializing in the kitchen doorway and scooping up (y/n) into his strong, comforting arms. "Mmmmphhhh..." she wailed behind her gag, and tears stared to put out of her eyes. Ty sat her on the couch again, and he sat not he floor. "Listen (y/n), we didn't want to do this but before we could explain you would have ran. I am not in a relationship with Sky, he is just a friend and sometimes our friendliness get carried a little... too far." Ty looked away for a second, then looked back to (y/n), and she could see in his bright pink eyes he was telling the truth. "Sky is my friend. I would not cheat on you. I wish you did not have to see what happened int he forest, but if you saw carefully you would have seen that it was Sky on top of me. He doesn't know, but I actually don't like him doing that. But I do want to say one thing to you, (y/n)." He pulled the gag off her face, and leaned in close. "I love you, as a person, as a girlfriend, more than words can say. Will you marry me?" (y/n) looked into those eyes, that reflected all she felt, and knew he was ment for her. "Yes," she said, then rested her head on Ty's shoulders and fell asleep.


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