Deadlox X Reader Part III

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Somewhere across the town, a mighty dragon soared up high in the sky. He roared, the sound echoing across the land. Shaking the very ground all the Mineraftians stood on.

Walking briskly to her house, (y/n) carefully gripped the small bottle in her jacket, like it was the very life of someone. She entered a small brick house, that she had built herself. Traveling up to the attic of her house, where a young man lay sleeping in the bed. "Hey Ty... wake up!" (y/n) said gently.

"Hnnng, what?" Ty awoke with a jolt, then relaxed as he saw it was only (y/n). He grimaced as he clutched his stomach, where a potentially fatal wound lay deep on his stomach. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, I just thought you might be thirsty," (y/n) said, handing him the bucket-cup laced with the potion. Ty took it and drank deeply, before slumping back onto the covers. "Why are you so obsessed with milk?" Ty asked crossing his arm on his chest, a mischievous glint in his scarlet eyes.

"I don't know, I just like it a lot. Plus I have a lot of cows in the barn," (y/n) answered, thinking about how cute he looked with that look on his face.

"Ok~" Ty suddenly looked exhausted. "I'm so tired, do you mind if I sleep now?" Ty mumbled, before going out cold. (y/n) let out a sigh of relief, seeing that the potion was working. Quietly, she sat on the couch, watching the rise and fall of his chest, the ripple of his muscles, and the peaceful expression on his face. Sitting there, feeling drowsy herself, (y/n) leaned back on the couch and dozed off.

~Time Skip To Evening~

A chill swept across the room, causing (y/n) to awake. She felt the ground shake, and the faint roooooooar! of a dragon. Ty was also awake, cowering under his covers, and (y/n) could see the covers shaking with fear. "Ty~?" Whimpering, he poked his head out from under his body. "I-I-I'm sorry, I j-j-just keep having nightmares of a blue dragon carrying a lifeless body across the sky..." Ty suddenly shot upright. "My headset! The rest of the team will be so worried we didn't return from our mission! That's the only way i can communicate with them! Do you know where it is!?"

"Calm down Ty! I have your headset, but it's badly broken." Ty looked like he wanted to cry. Clearly the headset had ment something important to him. "I am trying to fix it." (y/n) finished hurriedly. Wrapping her arms around Ty, he froze for a moment then returned the embrace, and mumbled in her hair "Thank you."

"It's no problem really. I'm not a fixer, and I still need to work on it more. Just like I wasn't a healer, that I needed Seto's help..." Too late, (y/n) remembered about the potion. "Uh, ummm, I mean..." She trailed off, breaking the hug, looking out the window as she could feel Ty staring at her. Ty gave a little cough and said "Um, you asked... Seto? For... ah... what?" (y/n) was surprised by the even, cool headed tone Ty used, expecting him to go nuts that she had used the sorceror's help. "I...I... could see your wound was getting more inflamed by the day. I was so stupid... untill I finally figured out it was poisoned. I had to ask Seto for help, or else you could have died." (y/n) turned to return Ty's gaze, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm s-sorry Ty... I love you. I couldn't let you die..."

His red eyes found (y/n)'s eyes, understanding in the boy's eyes. "That's ok... I love you too... I-I've been wanting to say what I feel to you for a while... but I didn't know how you would react..." Ty pulled (y/n) to him, his soft, warm lips crashing against (y/n)'s. Caught off guard, she struggled briefly against his furious, loving grip, then relaxed and returned the kiss that stirred something warm in her chest. "I love you (y/n)..." Ty murmured after they broke out of their kiss. "I love you too Ty." (y/n) said, as she snuggled up besides Ty and they fell asleep together.


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