Deadlox X Reader Part VII

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Slipping. Scrambling. Getting up. Chasing after Ty. Making it out of the castle. Making it down the mountain. Making it to the gravel path, and blacking out.

~A Day Later~

Ty groaned as he opened his red eyes. He sniffed the fresh autumn air, a nice change from the damp and musty smells of the Squid Castle. He remembered dragging (y/n), then Sky after he fell. At leat they were nearly there then. He had carefully arranged logs into a temporary shelter, and concealing (y/n) and Sky there, then finally crawling in and falling asleep. He quickly mopped up the worst of the blood, red blood from Sky and silver blood from (y/n). They were going to need food soon, so next Ty went out and punched a couple pigs to death. He cooked it over an open fire, the strips of meat dripping fat into the fire. Sky woke up and mumbled, "where am i- oh yeah." He sat down and started to eat the cooked porkchops. (y/n) woke up a few minutes later, and struggled to sit up in the shelter. "Come have something to eat~" Ty called softly. She came out, but did not eat any of the meat. "I-I-I can't eat p-pork..." she stammered, as she retreated back against the shelter. Ty suddenly remebered when (y/n) gave him those eggs without bacon and wanted to kick himself for not figuring that out. "I'm sorry," she said, words muffled. "Do you want me to get you something?" Ty asked her. "No, I should have told you before... before... you saw my blood." She said looking away. "It's true, I am a hybrid. I would of told you before, but you were sick... then you were my boyfriend and I was afraid you would leave me... but now if you do I won't hold you back..." (y/n) looked like she wanted to cry, and buried her face in her tattered jacket. Ty came over and out his arms around (y/n). "Look at me," Ty said quietly. She looked at him, and saw his usally red eyes now bright pink. "I love you, for what you are. I don't care you are a hybrid, I still love you and I always will." He leaned in to kiss (y/n), and she kissed him back, the hunger and need for each other so great they could not wait. "HEY GET A ROOM!" Their kiss was broken by Sky stuffing his face with the last of the porkchops and yelling. "Sky, wtf? What am (y/n) and I supposed to eat now?!" Sky made puppy dog eyes. "I was just-", "NO." Ty said. "Forget it, (y/n) doesn't eat pork anyways. I'll go get something in the forest-" Ty was cut off by (y/n) who said, "No, can I get it? Please?" Ty looked unsure about letting (y/n) go out on her own, but he said yes, and (y/n) took off.

Sky leaned against a tree. He didn't mean to eat all of the food but he was so hungry... after all at least Ty and (y/n) got some bread everyday, and clean water all the time, while he got one rotten flesh every other day and a cup of dirty water every day. Ty was looking at him wierd, the same way he was looking at him in the cave... Sky felt his cheeks grow hot, and looked at Ty with the same desire. Sky went over to where Ty was sitting, that strange look in his yellow eyes behind those shades...

(y/n) scampered around the forest in her hybrid form, easily catching a lot of fish. She made her way back, about to change back into her human form when she heard strange sounds. Peeking her little head cautiously between some bushes, her eyes widening as she watched for one minute, five minutes, ten minutes, frozen at the sight...

Ty tried to move, but Sky was too fast and was on top of Ty as he tried to move. Pinning Ty's wrists to the forest floor, he started kissing Ty passionately. "Sky... what if (y/n) saw..." "Don't worry, she can't be that fast..." He kissed Ty more, the need for each other growing... Sky pulled off Ty's shirt and then his own, tossing them aside as he traced the scar down Ty's stomach while nipping at his neck, looking for Ty's sweet spot... he found it and bit it and licked it passionately. Ty groaned with pleasure, trying to move his arms. Sky held them down firmer and started licking Ty's stomach... while slipping one hand down Ty's pants...

(y/n) couldn't take it anymore. Yowling, leaping out into the clearing, she hissed and scratched the ground near Sky and Ty. They looked over with alarm, then relaxing. "Aww, it's only a little kitty cat... so cute!" (y/n) kicked herself for being so stupid. How were they supposed to recognize her in ocelot form? They went back to making out. Ty thought something was strange though. Looking over again at the kitty, that black coat on the kitty kinda looks like (y/n)'s, the belly and neck fur was white like her shirt, and there was the line of sliced fur at the neck that was still bleeding its silver blood, and that familiar expression...

"HOLY SHIT ITS (Y/N)!" Ty screamed, fighting Sky to get up. Sky's head whipped around, just missing her hybrid form as (y/n) transformed back into a girl and ran into the forest, tears streaming down her pretty face, ignoring Ty's screams and pleas.


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