Deadlox X Reader Part IX

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The squid king was defeated that day, but he would rise again. Soaring across the sky to the witch hut at the heart of the swamp, he walked in with his squid form, put an amputated arm on the table and asked, "Can you fix this for me? I have much money, I can pay you any amount you name." The witch grinned and said, "Oh, but I can do better than that..."

Laughing, Ty pulled (y/n) in for a kiss then said, "Mitch agreed to be our ring bearer even though he's too old for it... lol!" (y/n) laughed and replied, "That's not all of it! I asked Sky, and he was very eager to be your best man," "Let's ask Jerome to be the flower girl," Ty joked, and everyone howled with laughter. "Sorry about it being all boys, we don't know who else to use!" Ian called, as he secured the Team Crafted gate with the press of a button. "Seto even said he might be coming!" (y/n) heard Quentin mutter under his breath "only cuz it's Ty's wedding" but he looked pretty happy anyways. "Do you have a youtube channel?" Jason asked (y/n). "No...?" (y/n) said looking embarrassed. Jason patted her shoulder and told her it would be alright.

Sky walked out, looking sulky and wearing a tuxedo someone must have wrestled onto him. Jerome came out looking very proud. "I got Sky into a tuxedo!" he announced, and everyone applauded. They continued to get ready for the wedding, unaware of the danger that lay ahead.

(y/n) sat down on a bench just outside the Team Crafted base. She was wearing a wedding dress, black except for a portion on the front which was white. Mitch had designed it, insisting that it should match her hybrid form. She didn't mention her form changed, depending on what she wore. That was why she usually stuck to natural tones, rather than crazy colors that would never appear on cat.

Ty walked out of the base, sitting down near (y/n). "Tired?" he asked, and (y/n) nodded. They walked back to the base, stopping to see the gate was closed. "When did this close~?" (y/n) asked. "No idea, but we need to get inside. It's too dangerous out here." Ty replied. Suddenly, a strange wind blew across this faces, causing them to look up. It was the squid king, and he had successfully trapped Ty and (y/n) outside the base! The squid king laughed, and landed, transforming back into a squid. He walked towards them, a huge smile on his derpy face. "Well well well, looks like someone's about to crash a party!" the squid king laughed, then threw a smoke bomb in their faces and they were trapped in a fog of thick, sweet smelling smoke. Poison gas? Ty wondered, the edges of his vision crawling with black as he staggered backwards, trying to avoid the smoke. (y/n) shoved Ty down, where there was no smoke, but it was too late for both of them. They heard the evil laugh of the squid king, then they could not move. The fog didn't kill them or knock them out, but it caused sedation so they couldn't move. The squid king picked them up and flew, roaring, over the land. His claws ripped gashes on the sides of Ty and (y/n), and tearing though the main wire of Ty's headset. (y/n) noticed a small monitor on the leg of the dragon, and realized with a start it was the arm that Sky had cut off...

~15 Hours Later~

Agony. Ty woke up with a pounding headache and a dry, parched mouth. Looking around, he saw with a sinking feeling they were back in the squid castle, and he was alone in the wretched obsidian room. Standing up, he could feel the ceiling reached up to about eight blockes above his head. He saw the small hook in the floor, where (y/n) was chained to last time they were here. He was somehow back in his normal t-shirt and pants, and wondered where the squids had received those clothes. Sitting back down, he felt the folding wood pickax under his shirt and grinned, a plan forming in his head...

(y/n) woke up with a miserable headache too, but she wasn't alone. She was lying on a silken bed, her privates stinging and knew that the squid king, asleep next to her, had raped her. "WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU!" screamed (y/n) as she flew to him, her fists transforming into claws as they dug into flesh. The squid king awoke, bellowing in pain, before easily catching the small cat and holding her paws tight. "What's wrong with me?" he asked slyly, as he latched ropes around her paws tight. Quickly transforming back into a girl, she furiously tried to punch the squid king. "Why do you keep capturing Ty and me!? What do you want from us?! DONT YOU FUCKING KNOW WE GOT OUR LIVES TOO?!?" (y/n) screamed and fought, building on the edge of hysteria. The squid king had to call for six of his guards to take (y/n) to maximum security.

Ty's ears perked up as he heard screaming and sobbing outside the obsidian room. Quickly concealing the pickax he had been using to chip away at an obsidian block, he peeked out the door, just as the door flew open inwards and they threw (y/n) inside. "Owwww.." moaned Ty, adding squished behind a door to his list of injuries. Crawling over to (y/n), she was cowered in a corner, silently crying. "What's wrong?" asked Ty. She said something muffled that Ty couldn't hear. "What?" (y/n) looked at Ty, and repeated, "h-h-he raped me Ty..." and burst into a new waterfall of tears.

Ty couldn't believe it. He was outraged, and hugged (y/n) closer to him. He finally saw the ropes around her wrists that were cutting off her circulation, rubbed raw and bleeding. Maybe it was tied on when she was in cat form? He tried to take the ropes off, and finally he used the edge of the pickax to break it. "Don't worry, I don't think you'll have a baby squid... what are the odds you are even pregnant anyways?" (y/n) sniffed and explained, "If I were pregnant... the odds of the child being a hybrid is 75%. So, it could be a combination of any two of these: cat, human, squid, or dragon. If it isn't a hybrid, it can be any of the four. And cats give birth to more than one kitten at a time..." "So what you are saying is you can't use your hybrid form when you're pregnant? And you might have hybrids?" "Exactly." They sat next to each other gloomily, unsure of what will happen in the future.

~13 hours ago~

"Hey guys know where the newlyweds are?" Sky asked, strolling into the TC meeting room. "Nope, haven't seen them since after the wedding," Jerome said, stretching out in the sun to warm his fur. Just then, they heard the gate close with a swoosh! then the claws of a dragon release it. Ian screamed, "It's jammed! Whatever that thing is, we won't be able to get out for a while!" They watched helplessly as the dragon turned into a squid, then take both Ty and (y/n)'s limp forms away.


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