Deadlox X Reader Part X

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Squids patrolled the boarder of the land, looking for any sign of some kind of "Team" to show up and take the prisoners. They made getting in the castle much harder.

~A Year Later~

Sky, Mitch, and Jerome had been walking for a while now, in search of the castle to rescue Ty and (y/n). The gate had delayed them for much longer than expected, almost a year. They had run low on supplies, and finally, they were able to set out. Sky was chosen to go because he knew where the castle was. Mitch went because was the best at PvP, and would be useful in a fight. Jerome came because as a bacca, he had much better senses than a human. Also because he would not leave Mitch. They traveled by foot and reached the cliff the castle was ona few hours later. Quickly concealing themselves, they discussed in hushed whispers what to do next.

"Ty, it's time..." (y/n) whispered, laying back onto the obsidian floor. They were weak, and (y/n) was going to give birth. Ty crawled over, and placed his hand on her belly. Sure enough, they were ready. He closed his eyes, and listened to her give small cries of pain as she gave birth to one, then a second child. He looked at them, then frowned. "Um, you might want to see this..." Ty whispered, and picked up the two small squids. (y/n) frowned, then said, "I can't let them live, we need to kill them..." They used the rusted pickax to kill the vile things, a quick blow ending their short life. Then they had sushi for dinner, and felt much better. (y/n) didn't even seem to mind that they were almost a year of hard work. The squid meat was tough but delicious, and they had their first good meal in a year. "When do you think they will come?" (y/n) asked, leaning against Ty and falling asleep.

Mitch stealthily scaled the side of the cliff, taking out one of the squid guards. Using a classic trick, he put on the uniform of the guard. Walking past the other squids, he confidently said, "I'm gonna head to da loo, tell the head I'll be gone for just a moment, kay?" "Sure," the squid said," But you sound a little funny today, are you OK?" Mitch replied, "Actually, I don't feel so hot. My stomach kind of hurts, that's why I was going to the loo in the first place," The squid laughed, and said, "I can do better than that then. Go take the day off, here's my keycard to get in the barracks. Actually it opens any door in the whole castle cause it's a blue level card, but don't go wandering around or the Squid King will be very mad!" Mitch grinned and took the card. "Thanks dood, really appreciate it. I'll give this back to you when you return, and hopefully I'll feel better, eh?" They laughed, and Mitch walked off. When his back was turned to the guards, he lifted up the uniform a bit and pulled out his dog tag. "I'm in, I even got a keycard that opens all the doors. I'll open up that back door we saw earlier when we scouted around the castle as soon a possible, wait for me there!" Tucking the tag back in, he strolled through the castle, an eye open for any type of danger.

(y/n) woke up, and felt relief without the strain on her stomach. Transforming into a cat, she nuzzeled Ty, who was still asleep, and meowed in his ear. Ty opened one red eye and looked sleepily at (y/n). "I've got an idea, it's not much but we should try it. I've gotten a lot skinnier, both through losing pregnancy fat and also malnourishment. Try putting me through that small window!" Ty picked up (y/n) and, sure enough, she fit. Landing lightly outside the cell, she transformed back into a girl and pulled the lever that relased the door. Ty felt new energy, some kind of hope. "Let's go!"

The squid guard's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw what happened outside of the Punishment Room. A slim hand slid out, along with a small tuxedo cat. Suddenly the cat became a beautiful girl, and she pulled the lever to release a handsome boy. The guard had thought there was nothing in that room! Still... his tenticals were on the ALARM button, but he didn't press it, curoius to find out what those kids were up to...

Mitch and Sky walked briskly around the castle, trying to blend in with the other squids so they weren't suspicious. They had to leave Jerome behind because his fur stuck out everywhere the uniform didn't cover. "Look, there's an unpatrolled hall," Sky muttered to Mitch, and they walked over, trying to look like they knew what go they were doing. Turning a corner, they ran straight into Ty, who was startled, and attacked, swinging a blunt pickax at Mitch's head. Mitch ducked and tackled Ty, hissing, " Ty, it's me, Mitch!" Ty stopped trying to fight the famous PvPer and looked mutinous. "Where the hell have you guys been! We've been trapped her for over a year!" Mitch and Ty started to argue while (y/n) slid silently into view. Sky was startled to see how skinny and weak she looked. Sky walked over and grabbed Ty's shirt in one hand and Mitch's uniform in another. "Now's not the time to argue, we need to get out of here!" Suddenly, the alarm went off, and (y/n) sighed, "Well, shit."


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