Deadlox X Reader Part XI

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The guard squid watched as the two figures darted down one hall, then another, trying to make sence of the twisting hallways, when they ran into two other squid guards. Suddenly, the guards took off their caps, and the squid sat, frozen to the spot, as they started fighting and then broke out of hi stance and hit the ALARM button

Quickly, the Pvp master evaluated the situation. They were in a two way hallway, with squids coming from both sides. They had him and one other somewhat capable fighter, and two injured people. He reached in his uniform and pulled out a golden dog tag, quickly hissing, "Jerome! We need help!" "I'm on my way," the bacca replied, and Mitch yelled to the other three," Backup's coming! Hold them off while you can!" He handed his sword to (y/n) and Sky gave Ty his bow and arrows. Forming a square, they started to fight their way back, just as the world exploded.

Jerome looked down from the roof, happily noticing about 30 dead squids and 3 unconscious humans. He swooped down, three times, safely picking them all up to the roof. Looking around, he noticed a large pile of squids were moving. He went over and saw a scrap of checkered fabric on one squid's dagger, and started throwing squids aside. He found Mitch at the bottom, awake but badly injured. "Hey biggums~" Mitch said faintly, grinning. Jerome laughed and picked up Mitch before throwing a potion of blindness to keep the squids awake from finding them. Jerome suddenly realized they were still far from danger, as everyone but him was injured and would not make the 15 mile walk home. Sighing, he started to drag (y/n) and Mitch into the forest after concealing Ty and Sky.

~Time Skip to Morning~

"Ug," muttered Sky, looking around and noticing forest around them. He sat up, wincing at he felt a large cut that had slashed across his back, still oozing blood but not too serious. It was wrapped in a messy leaf bandage, and he looked around and realized the Fluffy must have saved them, although he didn't remember what had happened. Ty was still out, the bruises and cuts still there from his imprisonment and new ones that had sprung up everywhere. (y/n) was next to him, and she seemed to be in even worse condition than Ty. With a start he realized her blue eyes were open and watching him. Sky crawled over, and whispered, "Hey,". (y/n) smiled, but said nothing. Sky heard a small growl behind him and saw that Jerome was dreaming, his arms around Mitch. Mitch actually looked the worse, large cuts, some still bleeding even from under all the leaf bandages that were crudely fashioned. Yet he wore a smile, that smile that always appeared after winning the Hunger Games. Sky smiled, knowing that his friends were safe... for the moment.

He was warm, and fuzzy. Mitch wished he could remain in Jerome's arms forever, but he needed to get moving. Slowly inching his way out of Jerome's fluffy embrace, moans every now and then, he half crawled, half dragged himself across the camp floor, retrieving his sword, he slowly made his way out of camp. He managed to stab a couple pigs, taking ten raw porkchops back to the camp, then setting up the fire. Roasting the porkchops, Jerome woke up to the smell, then walking over. "Biggums? Where'd you get that?" Mitch replied, "I found them on my way to look for firewood. We need food right?" Suddenly he doubled over, coughing hard. Jerome looked at him, concerned, but unable to do anything. When he started to cough up blood Jerome knew something was wrong. Spinning Mitch around, he saw a throwing dagger sticking out of his back, and a squid stood at the doorway, aiming another dagger at (y/n), a second away from throwing. Jerome reacted instantly, rushing forwards, roaring, at the squid, just as the dagger left the squid's hand.


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