Deadlox X Reader Part V

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People look up as a large blue dragon soared over their heads, his claws gripped firmly around a girl. The people don't do anything, and instead gawp at the sky after the dragon is gone, then returns to their buisness.

(y/n) woke up with a pounding headache, wishing she didn't. "Wha-what happened?" she mumbled to herself, then evaluates her situation. Her arms were chained behind her back, and to a peg in the wall. Her feet are chained together, but not to anything. She was sitting is a 6x8 obsidian room lit by a few restone torches. The ceiling was pretty high, probably 7 blocks by guess. (y/n) sighed in frustration, wishing Ty was here to put his arms around her and tell her everything will be fine. click~ Somewhere a lever was pulled and an iron door opened. Shrinking to the corner farthest from the door, she looked up to the blue dragon just outside, but was quickly transforming into... a squid?! Staring at the squid hybrid, he laughed and said," Welcome to my castle foolish girl. I am the squid king, recently granted dragon mutation."

(y/n) said, "mmmmph" and with dismay realized she was gagged too. "Lol, your not going anywhere soon. I wanted the bigger fish! Sky managed to escape but only because my servants were too stupid to put him into maximum security. Ty will come for you, and then Sky for Ty!" The Squid King bellowed with laughter. "You see? I am a genius! Then I will have all three of you to threaten Sky Army and Team Crafted!" (y/n) looked away, hoping Ty would not come. "I need to dispose of another prisoner, then you can move into his cell. For now, enjoy!" The squid king turned and shut the door. (y/n) slumped againt the wall, thinking of possible outcomes...

Ty looked at the sky, panting as he tried to figure out what direction the dragon went. Sky was puffing and panting heavily, about 10 blocks behind. "Slow down Ty!" Sky shouted as he tripped over another rock. Ty yelled,"You shouldn't have eaten all those cookies!" and sped up, navigating the ground with such speed and skill for traveling over the Stone Hill the first time. Finally, he stopped at the peak and saw that the ground here was considerably darker here. Looking up, he saw an overhang on the Water Mountain, with a Lapis Lazuli castle above it. Squids patrolled the outer edges, peeking down, looking all around. Ty grabbed Sky and they huddled in a small cave under the cliff, thinking about their next act. "We are complete numbskulls! Blue dragon?! Of course it would be a squid hybrid!" Ty moaned, and Sky nodded. "Who else would it be!" Sky spat angrily. "Nevermind that. How are we gonna get in?" Ty said, for the first time noticing how close him and Sky were... Sky noticed too, and smirked. He scooted closer to Ty, putting his arm over Ty's shoulder. "You know, we could take a short break before we go in..." Sky said, before drawing Ty's face to his for a forceful kiss. Ty blushed, paused then returned the kiss.

~Time Skip To About An Hour Later~

"Gee, I really need a break" Squid 12264 said. "Sure, I need one too. Go ask Squid 19433 too," Squid 30045 said. "We can go down to that small cave thing and relax."

"KK," said Squid 12264, then the three of them went down the mountain. Walking over to the cave, they peeked in and saw two humans, shirtless, making out in the cave. "AHHH!" screamed the humans. "Looks like we got ourselves some spies, eh?" Squid 19433 said, grinning evilly. They grabbed the humans and started dragging them up the mountain.

(y/n) looked up at the roof, straining to see how high it went in the dim light. Suddenly, the door opened and two other people were chucked in, and the door shut again. (y/n) was buried under practically buried under the weight of them. "Mmmmph~"

"Wait (y/n), is that you?" said a familiar voice, and (y/n) saw Sky blinking in the dim light. He was hastily pulling on a shirt, and so was the other person. (y/n) nodded, hoping Sky could see her in the dim setting. Scrambling off, Ty turned around to face (y/n). "(y/n)!" Ty said happily, hugging her. "Mmpph," she said grumpily, and Ty removed her gag. "About time," (y/n) snapped, but couldn't help but grin. Moving was extremly limited for her, and while Ty tried to pry off the chains it dug into her wrists and ankles, causing (y/n) to cry out in pain. Finally, he gave up and settled for sitting next to (y/n). "I've missed you~" (y/n) said, snuggling as close as he could and burying her face in his chest. Ty put his arm around her and they both fell asleep.


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