Deadlox X Reader Part VI

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click. The door to a small obsidian room opens and the squid king walks in. "You!" hisses a young man wearing a black outfit and a purple amulet. Another young man wearing a white t-shirt and a broken headset had his arms around a young girl wearing a black jacket with a white shirt, and they were both asleep. "Hello there!" booms the squid king, and laughs a mean laugh. Snarling, Sky lept at the king, only to be seized by tentacles of his servants. Three more seize Ty, waking him up. Another unlocks the chains around (y/n) and grabs her too. They march the three prisoners to different cells. Ty's cell is next to (y/n)'s and he calls out softly, "(y/n)? Are you ok?" "Yes..." came the weak reply. (y/n) had not eaten or drank for two days, restless sleeping, causing her to weaken. Sky was taken to maximum security cells (lol).

~A Week Later~

Ty was starting to feel anxious and weakened. Pacing around his cell, he stopped every few blocks to look around for a way to escape. The squids give him and (y/n) a few loafs of bread a day and (thankfully) there was clean water running in the sink to drink. For some reason they take (y/n) out once every few days, and they don't return for hours. Ty hasn't seen Sky since last week. Sighing with frustration, he wished he had a pickaxe so he could just mine all three of them out.

(y/n) collapsed on the bed, tired and hurting from the work. How was she expected to watch, nurse and care for 50 squid babies at once? The squid babies liked her breast milk, and she needed lots of water to keep going. At least she didn't have to watch those little beasts everyday. (y/n) knew as soon as Ty stopped making the squids nervous and thought he would not attempt an escape, they would give him a job too. Wishing she could curl up with Ty in her bed again, she fell asleep thinking about him.

Sky screamed and screamed his head off. The squid king whipped him again and asked again, asking, "What's Sky army's secret weakness? Hnnng?" "NO I WONT TELL YOU YOU MOTHERF***ER!!!!" Sky screamed, twisting this way and that, desparetly trying to avoid the whip. He was chained with his arms above him, to the celling. His legs were stretched out with chains too, he was basicly in an X shape. The squid king, frustrated it was taking so long to break Sky, decided he needed a new idea. Leaving Sky hanging there, he quickly coiled the whip into neat, small loops and swept out of the room. Sky, panting, had found out that if you twisted the chain just this way, you could actually release one link from the rest. If he had known that, he could have helped (y/n) before. Quickly, he gave a quick tug and a small rotation of his arm, then pop! his arms, then his legs were out and he collapsed on the floor. Picking himself up, he limped off to find where they were keeping Ty and (y/n). He could not help but feel guilty about getting him and Ty caught, as he limped down the halls keeping to the shadows.

Ty punched the wall, rewarded with nothing but a hurting fist. He just sat on the bed. "Pssst...hey Ty!" came a hushed whisper from the corner. Spinning around, he saw Sky, his front raw and bloodied from being whipped. "S-sky! What happened!?" Ty whispered, horrified looks at Sky. "Nevermind that! We need to find (y/n) and get the f*ck out of here!" Sky whispered back, as he pulled the lever to free Ty. Quickly, they darted around the castle, not sure where to look. Sky looked back and hissed, "Shit!" Ty looked back too and saw Sky had created a blood trail, virtually leading the squids their way. Just then, the alarm went off. -Escapees from Cell 23 and Rm 34. Repeat, escapees from cell 23 and rm 34..." Sky and Ty started running, when they heard a familiar scream from a room they passed. "(y/n)!" gasped Ty, turning back. They saw a glint of her black shoes as she was dragged around the corner they just left a minute ago. Sky was already ahead, almost slipping on the blood pools he was creating. Ty was hot on his heels, sheer desperation putting wings on his feet. They rounded the corner and saw the squid king with a budder knife pressed against the unconscious girl's delicate neck. "You're using the power of budder against us!" screeched Sky, loosing it. The squid king pressed the knife deeper in her throat, blood starting to appear. The blood wasn't the regular red blood of a human though. It was colored blood of a certain hybrid, and Ty took a step back, letting go of Sky, eyes widening. The squid king noticed too, the the split second it took for him to look down in confusion at the stained knife ended it all. Sky lept at him, snatching the knife out of his hand, and neatly cutting off the squid king's arm with another. He dropped (y/n), cussing and screaming vile insults as blue blood started to gush out where his arm was. Ty picked up the light body of (y/n) and he and Sky ran for it, as another hundred squids started to approach. "Go, go, go!" cried Ty, but Sky was weak from loss of blood and slipped, falling to the ground, desperately trying to get up.


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