Deadlox X Reader Part XII

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"Assasinate the small camp at the edge of the forest. Leave no man standing."

Jerome knew he would not reach (y/n) in time to stop the blade. So he changed directions, and barreled down on the offending squid, knocking him out instantly. He quickly tied up the squid, then trotted over to see the damage that had been done to (y/n).

Ty was watching through his eyelashes, and reacted fast when the blade was thrown. Reaching up, he grabbed the blade by the handle. The tip had been inches away from his loved one's heart, and he was angry at whoever had attempted to take it from him. He sat up, small groans escaping his lips as stretched limbs that haven't been stretched in a long time. Fluffy came in, looking dejected. He saw Ty with the blade in his hand, and was relived that (y/n) wasn't hurt. Jerome sat down near Ty, beads of salty liquid streaming down his face. "Why do we have to do this? I don't want to fight anymore, I just want to go back to my old life," Jerome whimpered, burying his had in Ty's shirt. "We're special, we've been chosen to fight. Because if we don't, and we give up, guess who takes over? And it's nobody's fault," Ty finished that last sentence before thinking about Sky, knowing that there was actually someone to blame. (y/n) suddenly appeared at Ty's side, kissing him gently on the cheek. "And no matter what, we'll always be a team and we will pull through together." The first words (y/n) had spoken to Jerome in a year, and he cried harder. "Never give up, and never give in. We are strong, and we are brave." (y/n) took Jerome in her arms, despite him being almost twice as big as her, and rocked him back and forth to sleep. "No how about taking care of other issues?" (y/n) asked, indicating Mitch lying on the floor, slowly loosing blood.

Sky woke up with a start, the smell of blood and forest in his nose mingled with the taste of dirt and salt in his mouth, and carefully sat up. He longed for a bar of budder to wash away the disgusting taste in his mouth, and didn't notice until he tripped over Mitch. A dagger was sticking out of his back, and Sky's eyes widened, wondering where everyone else was. Racing outside, he saw a squid out cold tied to a tree. And soft voices coming from behind the tent.

"...what, we'll always be a team and we'll pull though this together..." Sky felt the chill gripping at his heart, and sat back against the tent wall. It was all his fault, he had started the war against squids. Crawling over to the lake, he slid in, watching his bubble bar slowly decreasing. 7 bubbles, 6 bubbles... Goodbye world...he thought... 5 bubbles, 4 bubbles... suddenly something wrapped around his feet and held him there, as the lack of oxygen slowly started to eat away at his vision. "NOT LIKE THIS!" screamed Sky, no sound except a torrent of bubbles streaming out of his mouth. Soon he stopped struggling and was still, suspended peacefully under the water.

Ty walked over to the lake edge to collect water to wash Mitch's wound when he saw Sky being pulled under the water by squids. What was Sky doing by the water's edge? Ty watched as Sky was pulled under, gnashing his teeth as he knew he couldn't go near that water without being pulled under too...

Jerome awoke, warm and bundled against a person, and snuggled deeper into the warm embrace of the girl's arms, the softness of her breasts...

(y/n) was exhausted, having sat outside with Jerome on her lap for hours. Yet one glance at his face and it was all worth it, his peaceful expression. She didn't want to leave him. Slowly, she regretfully lowered Jerome to the ground, covering him up with large leaves, before running to attend to Mitch. He could have been sleeping, except for the dark stain on his back. Wondering what was taking Ty so long to get water, she ran down the edge of the lake, only to see Ty leaning against a tree a few feet from the water's edge, his unseeing crimson eyes glittering in the moonlight. His chest was rising and falling slowly, too slowly. (y/n) saw his hand, resting on the hilt of a dagger, the dagger buried in his chest, and Ty tuned his head slowly at the sound of her approaching. "Why did you do this to me? I need you!" (y/n) cried softly, kneeling next to Ty. "Because... they've won... and Sky is gone... so you need... to go on... without me..." Ty coughed and blood flew out of his mouth, and said his final words to (y/n). "I'll love you... forever and ever... and I'll be... your guardian angel..." With that, his head slumped against his chest, the ghost of his final words still in the air. (y/n) shivered against the cold night, mourning over her husband's body. Suddenly, she felt as if she had been wrapped around with a warm blanket, and turning around, she saw the silvery outline of her beloved hugging her, happier than he had been in his final days. Near him stood the shimmering golden outline of the budder-loving boy, laughing like (y/n) had never seen before. "You have the power to see dead spirits," Ty said, "because I loved you and gave that to you. I'll be with you forever and ever." (y/n) smiled, the tears glistening on her face, and finished, "and you'll always be my angel, my guardian angel."


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