Deadlox X Reader Part IV

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"Hnnng, so Deadlox has a little girly friend now? Purrfect..." the blue dragon snarled, delighted to have found another weakness of his enemy.

Having dated for a couple weeks now, (y/n) and Ty were all happy except for one thing: they were still not able to contact Team Crafted due to Ty's broken headset. (y/n) didn't want to bother Seto again, even though he acted like a friend last time. She had brought the headset to different crafters, paying them many emeralds, to try and fix the headset. Nobody Had managed to do it, though. Even so, Ty seemed to be happy to live with (y/n). Ty still had a scar on his stomach, but is was only a glazed memory now.

One day, (y/n) got up to another beautiful morning. "Wake up Ty," she said cheerfully as she stretched and yawned, only wearing her under-things.

"Mmmph, ten more minutes..." Ty whined, flipping over in the bed and going back to sleep.

(y/n) picked up a bucket of water and downed it on his head, causing him to jump up and splutter an insult. "Language, Ty!" (y/n) said, but one look at his dripping hair and wierd expression caused her to fall over and squeal with laughter.

"Now you're getting it!" Ty growled playfully. He was bare chested, revealing stong stomach muscles and a fading scar. Picking up (y/n), he dumped her on the bed and jumped on her, causing her laughter to stop with an abrupt 'oomph'. She struggled under his muscular frame, yelping, "hey get up you big oaf!". "Nope," said Ty, tickling her tummy.

"S-s-stop it Ty!" (y/n) screamed while laughing. Her playful scream masked the smash of shattering glass downstairs, and both (y/n) and Ty did not hear the intruder sneaking up the steps. The intruder stopped, and listened with his ear against the door.

"Ty! Stop tickling me!!"



Suddenly the door burst open and the intruder waved a golden sword, yelling "Ty! What the hell is going on!"

(y/n) tried to look, but all she could see was the rippling mass of muscle on Ty's stomach tightening. "S-s-sky?! But I thought you were dead!"

"Nope takes more than that to kill me off," Sky said letting the sword relax at his side. Everyone on Team Crafted was looking for you Ty! Then suddenly we got one pulse of your headphone's signal; that was all we needed to find you." Sky suddenly sagged onto the couch, his sunglasses sliding down his nose to reveal a pair of bright budder yellow eyes. "And what this the explanation of this?!" Sky asked angrily.

"Um, this is (y/n), she found me and saved me..." Ty trailed off, embarrassed.

"Well if you want to continue your Youtuber life, you better get rid of this girl. She is just a distraction." Sky scowled at (y/n) disdainfully.

"No, I would rather die than leave (y/n)," Ty bit back, then he finally got off (y/n) and pulled on a shirt. "(y/n) is coming with us if we're leaving. That is, if you want to?" Ty looked at her with those big puppy eyes, and (y/n) knew she had to. "Sure, just let me pack up some stuff." (y/n) said, and quickly left the room.

"What the hell were you thinking, flirting with girls?" Sky's voice cracked, and (y/n) could just barley hear him anymore. "I thought you loved me! What happened to Skylox?"

"Sky, you know that's already over, the fans are over with it too. I can like any girl I want." Ty's voice was just a whisper, words supposed to be only for Sky to hear. Sky sighed, then he said, "I-I'm sorry Ty. I didn't mean to be rude to your girlfriend, but..."

"But nothing. You can just apologize, she is a very caring and sweet girl.(y/n) will understand." (y/n) carefully crept away, and started shoving things that were most important into a bag: some clothes, a watch Ty had given her and a jade pendant, passed down generation to generation from her great-great-great-great *15 years later* -great-great grandmother.

~Time Skip To Few Hours Later~

Walking down a gravel path in the open plains, (y/n), Sky, and Ty followed Sky's GPS to get back to the secret Team Crafted Base. "Remind me why we are walking," Sky grumbled to Ty, eating his 30th cookie, and Ty said, "Because, what if we are followed if we go by minecart?" Ty starts lecturing Sky with many other reasons we are walking. (y/n) saw a rose, perfect in every way, and stops to bend down and pick it. WHOOSH! The cookie blew out of Sky's hand, landing near her feet. (y/n) stops, feeling the strange wind, and looks up to see the claws of the large blue dragon close around her and suddenly she can't breathe. The world starts to fade to black, and the last thing she hears is Ty screaming her name, and Sky screaming for his cookie.


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