Chapter 1 Light vs. Darkness

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Ellenore thought that things couldn’t get any better. She had thanks to medical and magical advances in conjunction with a potion invented by her father regained full use of her sight. She looked out at the world that surrounded her on the roof top garden of Saint Mungo’s, and breathed in the sweet scents all around her. As she looked down at the streets of muggle London below she heard the excited voice of her son below urging his father on.

“Daddy, come on, we’ve got to bring Mummy home to Hogwarts,” squealed Scorpius as he pulled hard on Draco’s hand.

“Calm down, Scorp or you’ll give away the element of surprise,” said Draco as he looked around to see that they weren’t being observed by muggles before giving his name to the mannequin in the dusty store window that protected the wizarding Hospital from muggles.

As the two Malfoy men walked up to the floor where Ellenore’s room was they found that Ellenore wasn’t in the room. “Daddy, Where’s Mummy,” asked Scorpius as he looked around the empty room for his mother? They turned as someone cleared their throat from the door way.

“If you are looking for Mrs. Malfoy she’s waiting for you in the garden on the top floor,” said Hermione as she pointed the way to a lift at the end of the corridor.

“Thank you Hermione, for everything,” said Draco as Scorpius pulled him impatiently toward the lift. As they got to the doors of the lift, they opened to reveal Ellenore standing there with the largest smile imaginable on her face.

“Mummy,” yelled Scorpius as he launched himself at her!

“Hello, my darling Scorpius. Have you come to take me home to Hogwarts,” she asked happily? “Yes we have,” said Scorpius as he walked hand in hand with his mother toward Draco.

“Ellenore Scorpius and I have a big Surprise for you,” said Draco as he wrapped his arm around her and began to walk down the corridor toward the floo network. Draco picked Scorpius up and let him take a handful of floo powder. “Scorpius remember what I told you,” said Draco as he pulled Ellenore into the floo beside him. Scorpius winked at his mother and smiled as he spoke their destination very clearly.

“Kings Cross Station, Platform 9¾,” said Scorpius as the flames flashed green around them.

As the family stopped spinning Ellenore was greeted with the sound of the whistle of the Hogwarts Express blowing shrilly. She gasped in awe at the sight of the scarlet steam engine that pulled the train. “Draco, what is this all about,” asked Ellenore in disbelief?

“Well darling, I figured that being since you were blind the first time and every time after that when you rode the Hogwarts Express, that it was time that you had the proper experience,” he said as he helped her into the Slytherin car.

She looked around in wonder taking in every detail of the train. “Daddy, you said that Mummy needs to ride the train properly. She’s not dressed right,” said Scorpius as he pointed at the miniature version of the Slytherin house robes that he was wearing.

“Oh you’re right, we’ll have to fix that won’t we,” said Draco as he narrowed his eyes at his wife and drew his wand?

“Draco, why are you looking at me like that,” asked Ellenore as she backed into the corner of their compartment.

Draco flicked his wand and the shades in the compartment closed. “Draco,” what are you doing that for,” she asked? Draco had a seductive smirk on his face and he turned Scorpius around and told him not to turn back around until mummy had finished dressing. “Draco I’m not changing in front of my son,” said Ellenore in shock!

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