Chapter 10 Scorpius Healer's Apprentice

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After graduating from Hogwarts Rose and Scorpius both became healer apprentices under her mother's watchful eye. Aside from going on rounds in a different ward of the hospital every week, they would sneak into Hermione's office and go through his mother's very detailed notes. Years of research she had done, only to have drunk one batch of the potion that nobody could figure out how to reproduce.

This sneakiness went on for two months before they got caught. Late one night, they both sat in the silence of Hermione's office going through another set of notes when Hermione walked in and scared the daylights out of them when she cleared her throat. "I wondered, who had been going through those notes," she said as she closed the door behind her.

Scorpius and Rose looked down at their feet with shameful expressions on their faces. "We didn't mean to pry, mother. We just thought that perhaps if we went through the notes again, a little slower that we could determine exactly what was in that unknown potion, that Mrs. Malfoy drank," said Rose softly.

"Well, I've been over and over those notes and still get stuck. On every set of notes that pertain to any kind of potion, there are those strange runes. I've looked through so many books on ancient runes that my head is left spinning. Have either of you made any head way on the notes," asked Hermione eagerly?

"Yes, actually, I have," said Scorpius as he looked down at his own copy of notes. "You see my mother taught me this rarely used language that looks like runes, when I was younger. The reason that you and everyone else who attempted to decipher my mother's notes was because you are using the wrong books. These aren't runes, they're Egyptian hieroglyphics. Furthermore you would have to understand French and Hieroglyphics to decode her notes," explained Scorpius as he handed Healer Weasley his copy of the notes.

"Why would your mother write her notes in such a manner and make it so hard to understand," asked Hermione as she looked over Scorpius's notes?

"She didn't want her potion to fall into the wrong hands," said Scorpius with a smile on his face.

"Well, I guess that considering everything she isn't as crazed and mental as your father thinks," said Rose as she peered over her mother's shoulder and read Scorpius's neatly written notes.

"Don't forget, my mother could see the future. She knew that all of this would happen before any of us with the exception of my little sisters," said Scorpius as he thought of his mother and sisters.

"Scorpius, do you actually understand your mother's notes as well as I think that you do," asked Hermione with a serious expression on her face?

"Yes, ma'am, I do," said Scorpius with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"Well then, I have a special job for you since that is the case. You may be the only one who can save your mother. For that reason I am putting you in charge of deciphering your mother's notes, and both of you are responsible for brewing the potion that we will need," said Hermione as she left the two apprentices in the room.

For the next years Scorpius and Rose put everything on the back burner. They even postponed their wedding, due to the fact that Scorpius wanted to mend his broken family before he married the witch that he loved. One evening he sat alone in his study on the ground floor of his modest home on Spinners End with a frown on his face. He had after so long deciphered his mother's very detailed notes and had almost everything that they would need to brew the potion.

Rose came down stairs and leaned seductively against the door frame. "Scorpius, are you ever going to come to bed? It's lonely up there without you," she said as she entered the room and sat on his lap.

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